
Perfektes Dinner Köln: Fisch-Dessert wirft Gäste aus der Bahn

Perfektes Dinner Köln: Fisch-Dessert wirft Gäste aus der Bahn

“I wasn’t nervous, but I was nervous,” said Felix at Brühl at Cologne before beginning the “Dinner”-Einsatzes concreted spannt. And it remains to be seen: “I have the Temperament of 20 Schlaftafels.”

Seine Gäste knew exactly who his kölsche Frohnatur is stricktt: “There was a bislang einen hohen Redeanteil”, Dominik (34) describes those gleichmäßig dahinplätschernden, his and wieder “grotesques” Kalauer of the Rentners, themselves as “largest M ärchenerzählers jenseits von Baghdad“ sieht.

Perfect dinner in Cologne: Fischzubereitung with internet tutorial

Seinen “Unruhestand” (Felix) power as one of the evil engineers in the chemical industry, so who knows: with Ehefrau Rosi works half the years in Tenerife. Dazu owns there insgesamt eleven Oldtimer (“fünf in Deutschland, sechs auf Teneriffa”): “My wife is my wife.”

If you have a perfect dinner, you cannot enjoy more – the must is a champagne with an aperitif or a tender caviar – than fresh truffles (100 grams for 47 euros) completely.

  1. Motto: How much does the fish cost?
  2. Vorspeise: Tapas Variationen vom Fisch – Kaviar / Austern / Shrimp / Lachs / Sardelle
  3. Main features: Wolfsbarsch – Salicornia Europaea / Trüffel / Drillinge
  4. Nachspeise: Süßer Fischcocktail – Pfirsich / Fisch / Quitten / Vanilla

At the base of the seines, the main corridor from Felix ends up in Schwitzen. “I thought it was a fruitful result,” it’s a pity that the Wolfsbarsch has a great chance at life. Hilflos schnippelt der kulinaisch offenbar nur oberflächlich decorated Felix an ihm herum (“Keine Ahnung, wie das geht”) and muss schließlich vor seinen Gästen zu Kreuze kriechen: “I brauche eure Hilfe.”

Ordentlich Vanilla Pudding über Lachs en Krabben: Felix dares an unusual experiment.

Ordentlich Vanilla Pudding über Lachs en Krabben: Felix dares an unusual experiment.

Die kommt in Form von Karo, das ganze immerhin schon einmal (“with my daddy”) durchexerziert hat. “I’m guessing quickly on the Internet”, so you can help yourself and treat the fish with tutorials on Sprouting, Flossing and Internal Affairs. Damage, then there is still no message found: “They are strong and they are great” – that is for all Daniele (40) and Daniela (43) alone.

Also read: Clear text on Tag 1 in Kölner Küche – „it is unerträglich“

“The tasty tapas are very stable,” quickly describes the lower course of the delicious fish menus. The Anti-Klimax is more than just a brandy dessert: Wagemutig mixes Felix “Norwegischen Gourmetlachs” and Eismeerkrabben with delicious fruits and Quittenlikör. Darauf comes with a Haube from Vanillepudding, Schokostreuseln and Mikado-Stäbchen: “Unfassbar”, quickly Dominik seinen Widerwillen zeeammen. “Sei mir nicht böse, ist gar nicht meins”, guilty of Daniela.

And that’s how great Truppe Felix’s Experiment is with his daring 27 Punkten. It is clear that the guest is not without experience. Quote the following motto of life motto: “Eine Idee, die nicht von Anfang an absurd erscheint, ist keine goode Idee.” (tsch)