
Airport manager in Tel Aviv: The flow plan is great | 25.08.24

Airport manager in Tel Aviv: The flow plan is great | 25.08.24

TEL AVIV (dpa-AFX) – A chain of chain carriers from Lebanon has taken over Flugverkehr at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion International Airport with a bigger plan. Airport chief Udi Bar We told journalists, of 360 international flights with more than 50,000 passengers, more than 85 percent of the statistics. The halving continues and the halving continues.

There may be problems with the airport manager. About 50 flights are on the way to the escalation stormniert be. There are twenty international airport companies that fly further Israel, “and die tomorrow and tomorrow”. There is a “swirly tag”, insgesei the low is under control. There is a piece of cake at the Ramon airport in the south of the countries used. The flight plan should be completed soon. If you are about the passengers, you must inform the flight information and the spiritual matters before you make the flight on the flight.

The Israeli army has tomorrow its own great power over the Lebanese history of the Soul in the North and the Center Israel identified and truly. An Israeli attack on the Abschussvorrichtungen in the South of Lebanon was after Military 100 Kampfjets beleigt. The airport Ben Gurion has tomorrow a great flight. Set at 7:00 o’clock local time (6:00 o’clock CET) love of the operation again widely planned./le/DP/mis