
Technical problems stop at – Nachrichten AG

Technical problems stop at – Nachrichten AG

A political demonstration in Frankfurt am Main caused star Tausende von Teilnehmern an. The crowds have merged with the reform of the Bildungssystemen protesting. The Veranstaltung, die in de späten Nachmittagsstunden stattfand, concretet de Bedeutung van bezahlbarer and high-quality Bildung for all.

The protests were organized by a coalition between Lehrern, Schülern and Eltern. When the Redner began, Dr.’s action began. Sabine Meier. The versammlung started on the Römerberg and was formed by the Hauptwache on the Opernplatz, where the Abschlusskundgebung stattfand was.

Hauptforderungen of Protesters

The demonstration of the demonstration takes place among other things the background of the plant curricula in the Bildungssector. There are still more studies that are at war with the reporting of education and the preparation of the Mittel for debts in socially disadvantaged areas. Laut Dr. Meier besteht de gefahren, the quality of the education has disappeared and the Bildungsungleichheit zunimmt, when these reforms will be changed.

“Our children deserve a future that offers every possible opportunity,” said Dr. Meier in his speech. “We can show a small saver on the costs of our pictures.” There is much applause and slogans with “Bilding ist kein Luxus” and “More money for our debts”.

Polizeipräsenz und Sicherheitsmaßnahmen

Because the economy of the economy is characterized by the war, the war has started with a big advance for Ort. There is no way to change, and the demonstration is very well fried. There was a report of a number of traffic roads zeitweise sperrt, was zu erheblichen verkehrsbehinderungen führte.

A police representative led the dispersal of the demonstrators and the only government representative is a declaration of intent for a living democracy. “It is important that the citizen is free in the kitchen, so dies in the Rahmen des Gesetzes geschieht”, says it.

Reactions from politics

The demonstration takes place in the political districts on Aufmerksamkeit. Education Minister Katrin Schulze said he was not in Abend. If you consider that the seriousness of the citizen is not so great, the reform project is not even a matter of überprüfen. “Wir werden the dialogue with all those involved, a loss that was found, the quality of our Bildungssystems right is true”, explained Schulze.

The opposition is useless for the favorable location, the direction is raising its criticism. “It is a Scandal, that will be a point that will bring Lehrer and Eltern on the Straße gehen”, says Thomas Bergmann, the political speaker of the Greens. “These Kürzungen had not dared to be planted.”

Forderungen nach langfristigen Changes

After the official bodies started, there may have been more places that were in a certain location, because they were no longer available and were more about the theme of the discussions. An important component is that the most recent political issue is not in the east of the country. We recommend that you make a careful and long-term investment in the image, a system that is unusable for machines.

“Wir müssen sicherstellen, dass unsere Schulen auch in zehn, zwanzig Jahren nor gut funktionieren”, says one Lehrer, who lives anonymously. “Jede Investition in de Bildung ist eine Investition in de Zukunft unseres Landes.”

Insgesamt said that the high Teilnehmerzahl of Demonstration, that the Thema Bildung fell the People moves and that the Widerstand gegen that plants Reformen is groß. The current time and society were changed, while politics responded to the German Weckruf der Bevolkerung.

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