
In Peuerbach – 2 teenagers seriously injured in moped accident

In Peuerbach – 2 teenagers seriously injured in moped accident

A 52-year-old man was driving his car on the Bahnhofstraße in his hometown of Peuerbach at around 16:25 on Sunday. At the same time, a 16-year-old girl from Natternbach was driving her moped in the opposite direction. She collided with the car in a gentle left turn. She was thrown from the moped and came to a standstill on the road.

Passers-by provided first aid
While the rescue operation was underway and passers-by were treating the injured moped rider and securing the scene of the accident, another 16-year-old moped rider from Michaelnbach noticed the accident and brought his vehicle to a stop. A moped rider following him, also 16 years old and from Michaelnbach, ignored the stationary traffic and collided with the moped in front of him.

Also thrown from the moped
He was also thrown from his moped and was left injured at the scene of the accident. The two victims were treated by the emergency doctor and taken to the Wels Hospital with serious injuries.