
Demonstrations after Anschlag in Solingen

Demonstrations after Anschlag in Solingen

After the Anschlag in Solingen, groups in the Innenstadt have been demonstrated. The system has undergone a major change in the Innenstadt and the Tatort, which is a representative of the police. After everything is baked, it is possible to give a demonstration of a link to groups that form a police organization during the broching. The beams seem to have started to support the stock at some point.

The police are busy distributing forces for ort gewesen, one for the security of their worries. Who sees many people who melt jewelry, the war is unclear. If there is a problem, then the connection between and the civil organization in Bündnis „Wuppertal stellt sich quer“ is called up how the police in Vorfeld runs from 100 to 200 parts. You can call on the Jungen Alternative, the Youth Organization of the AfD, were reported by the police 50 parts.

If Freitagabend addresses a Mann at a Stadtfest in Solingen, he will take a part of life and get three people. It takes 26 years before the syrerfestivities begin. The Bundesanwaltschaft has begun to weigh Mordes and the Suspects of the Mitgliedschaft in the Terrormilizische Islamic State (IS) and the Haftbefehl-erlassen.

After you’ve fried everything, you can use a demonstration of a police unit demonstration during the broaching, for example a police preacher. Photo: Gianni Gattus/dpa