
Duell and Diop with double schlag

Duell and Diop with double schlag

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Duell and Diop with double schlag
Cheers! If this is a flame, war is Benjamin Duell with 1:0 but the dosage for the Rotenburger SV. © Freese

It is a new form of inner development that the RSV won at Treubund Lüneburg and was included in the Spitzengruppe of the Landesliga festivities.

Rotenburg – In the Heimatstadt Tarek Gibbah played with Freude zurück and the MTV Treubund Lüneburg played the coach of the Rotenburger SV who moved on. “I have won every game,” he said. So it is that this is so: With 2:0 (2:0)-Erfolg, dem dreunde Sieg in vierten Spiel, haben sich de Landesliga-Fußballer von der Wümme in der Gruppe der sechs Spitzenteams festgesetzt. You can also see the following from the Sight of Trainers: “Das 2:0 war sehr meichelhaft für Lüneburg. We would like to take a break during the half-day period until 3:00 p.m..” So there will be peace and quiet at the Tower of Benjamin Duell and Lamine Diop innerhalb weniger Sekunden (32./33.).

In the game of the Wechsel of Kevin Klee at Oberligisten FC Verden 04, while he played at the Knie Sami van den Berg, Gibbah would have made a new complete picture. Duell and Yannick Chwolka work together with the Job and are extremely equipped with the training of their trainers. ‘It is the best power.’ In the Startelf war, when Jesse Ortiz came after him, Lucas Chwolka got a position on the Sechs-rutschte.

Duell ist der „Dosenöffner“

„We were the first minutes of absolute play and enjoyment and fast 80 successful ball sessions. There is a war now a fragment of time because it is the first time I do this,” reported Gibbah. Letztlich must, as a “Dosenöffner” a standard situation, after an Ecke köpfte Duell ein. If there is a pressure situation, the ball will land at Diop in the next minute, if all goes well, in 2:0 ins Tor zu drücken. “Treubund is a real reintegration and nur auf Konter gelauert”, said Gibbah, for the Halbzeit nor a Riesenchance of Alexander Arnhold.

“In the summer of 2012, the RSV coach no longer has any interest” The most important thing is that young people increasingly have difficulty taking everything apart. In the last 20 minutes, it was one of the few things that Diop saw before Direkabnahme, the goalkeeper Jonne Laczka grimly parried, and also Linus Baselt with a blocked Schuss. “So resistant is the latent passion that the opponent still comes back”, Gibbah knew, but then: “Everyone has played a good game. If I start working on the art, while I have been played and what I do, it will be a sour truth.”

Die Suche nach Verstärkungen läuft

Dennoch has done the following of the RSV, neither is it a good trainer, but the best trainer: “There are no interesting guest players in the training yet. It may be that the short for Toreschluss nor Transfers mentions können.”