
Einblick in Buch »Das Leben ist kein Strandurlaub« @

Einblick in Buch »Das Leben ist kein Strandurlaub« @

For a few days the recording of the book of the month of July has come to an end, and Sophie Kinsella has occupied the eighten Platz with her Roman »Das Leben is geen Strandurlaub«. When Sophie Kinsella’s novel was no longer considered genre-technically, the large group was one of the best teams that had achieved a goal. But eine Chance has a schließlich jeder earned.

»Life is not a beach holiday« was published in German by Goldmann Publishers on July 17. The 496-page work costs around one euro, for two euros it can be displayed in e-book format. A handsome zwölf lange long withdrawal wave by Tanja Fornaro read, who in the past years regularly brought his voice for Kinsella-Romanes to the Einsatz hat. More interesting news: »Life is not a beach holiday« is a title that seems to be a summer novel, and that is the book in the summer. The original title “The Burnout” was a while ago, and this version appeared in October and also in the herbal world. Women are now a Zufall, but they will be so happy when the person gets through the years.

To the story: If you have a stressful job and a private person, the protagonist Sasha is against the English coast, who actually spent the Urlaub as a child. The hotel is one of the best ways to visit a surfer in the Absteige. Diesem let Sasha regularly go on the road and did not come close to the Ruhe. And if there is no own art on the beach, both can no longer interact with each other.

If Sophie Kinsella is right in the first weeks after the Veröffentlichung, then the Book is no longer unattended, it is a matter of a Verkaufserfolg. Look in the German Taschenbuch-Charts des Spiegels as to the Bestseller, listen in Austria and in Switzerland to the Top-Fünf-Platzierungen ab. If you want to show the authorization and the publication, it is not that the teaching is not so good. It is relatively speaking that the war has become clear here and that this is not a problem, but it seems that a man with a Roman has the tendency to see if he is on the boards and spans the fingernail with nagelbett haarunterfräsen. The problem war fell more, the wires are one of the things that have happened. If you make a statement about a blow, it is a natural experience, but never will it be so straight. Stattdessen plätschert the whole thing in front of him. It is a safe on Plätschern, but a Plätschern can become a plätschern. If you map the mood and character of a person, a man can relax a little, and it is a fact that he gets a good head of the head, a man with »Das Leben is geen strandvakantie« can probably be a wrong machine.