
Dagmar Koller year 85 –

Dagmar Koller year 85 –

Ihren halbrunden Geburtstag verringt Dagmar Koller in ihrem Haus an der Algarve in Portugal, whom the “Kronen Zeitung” (Sonntag-Ausgabe) reported. Make sure you feel like you have an Oberschenkelhalsbruch in the previous holes.

“It’s my feeling, but my body is not so grim at the moment, however it is as the wishes were. I see it as a mirror and think: So a mist! The bloody foot, the bloody leg … Is it so that the shalb Trübsal blows? No!”, she said in May in an interview with the “Bild”-Zeitung. In the photos you are sitting in the Rollstuhl.

Durchbruch as a Chinese Prince

Dagmar Koller looks back on a long career. She was born on August 26, 1939 in Klagenfurt. After the father of the family, after 13 years after Wien. She studied Tanz, Gesang and Schauspiel at the Academy for Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. The Laufbahn als Tänzerin started in 16 years at the Wiener Volksoper – and continued around the world.

Photo series with 11 images

In London and Paris you can teach children as au-pairs and other ballet schools. They tour as soubrettes and opera singers through Germany and Switzerland and as a schauspielerin with Hans-Joachim Kulenkampff through Europe and Israel.

In 1966 the Berliner Theater des Westens was founded, in 1964, at the age of 25, in Hamburg der Durchbruch as Chinese Prinzessin Mi in Franz Lehar’s „Land des Lächelns“. “I have no war against a Staatsbühne. We always have to see it, so we can fully enjoy the theater,” you remember.

Paraderolle as Eliza in “My Fair Lady”

On tour and during a longer stay in the USA they learn the musical love. Their first great success in this new genre was in 1968 renowned as Dulcinea in the German translation of “Der Mann von La Mancha”. “Sweet Charity”, “Sorbas” and the Paraderolle of Eliza in “My Fair Lady” followed, which was sold in Cologne in 1971.

1973 went to mentor Marcel Prawy for “Carousel” wieder nach Wien and the Volksoper zurück. From the beginning of the year 1999 with the first solo program “Lieder meines Lebens”, it will last forever after a long pause in the performance of “Der Mann von La Mancha” on the stage.

Zahlreiche Spiel- und Operettenfilms gedreht

In the A-Liga of the secret promise in 1978 with the high time with the damaging ORF program director Helmut Zilk, who uses the Amt of the Wiener Bürgermeisters for a year. A blessing ship sails with Prinz Charles, sails with Lady Diana and by Fürstin Gracia.

“There is a war going on that could cost me money, but then I would quickly move on, so I would be at a high level of shame,” says Koller in Rückblick. If you have a bare sequel that is no longer on the Bühnenlaufbahn, there is still a wide variety of Schallplatten on it. Let the all-rounder appear in feature films and opera films and perform in various Fernseh shows with – play “Muziek me Leben” and the interview series “Hello, who is that?”.

Portugal is known as Bühne

When Zilk and Koller returned from Zurich to Vienna in 1993, Zilk became the victim of letter bomber Franz Fuchs. Middle and side fingers, as well as parts of Daumen Zilk’s fortifications, in Bad Koller’s arms were lifted off. When attention goes like this, it is a quick four-year war and a war day and night for my husband.

Since last year 2008, the Koller has been ready for a change. You can see the larger sizes in the open version. First four years of später trat sie with ihrer Comeback Show “Life for the Stage”, a potpourri with musical highlights and anecdotes, featured in Rampenlicht.

In the passing years, after all, Koller – “them Alter entsprechend” – a little zurück. Anstatt on the stage work in your time in ihrem Haus in Portugal. “That must have been lived in,” which is what the APA said in Interview zu ihrem 80. Geburtstag beschied.