
Hunsrücker erleben böse Überraschung bij Aufsteiger Vordereifel

Hunsrücker erleben böse Überraschung bij Aufsteiger Vordereifel

SG Westerburg – TuS Mosella Switzerland 1:0 (0:0)

Die Gäste von der Mosel has had a good start in the Westerwald, but you can expect a high altitude in the Anfangsstadium. After the jetty of the jetty in Westerburg and passing the guests in the 90. Minutes of the Nackenschlag, as Paul Reichelt erzielte after an Ecke of the Hit of the Tages. Mosella Trainer Thomas Schleimer noted after a few minutes of nachspielzeit and two Abseitstoren: “We sincerely thought we were drückend überlegen in the first half. Leader is one of the opportunity acquirers and how they can deal with a Glück a trade meter. Because our pause is a matter of time with 4:2 hours, the end result is bitter.” During the long night of the game, SG actor Niklas Henry played the Foul game with Gelb-Rot vom Platz.

Swiss: Gerhard – Schwarz, Hansjosten, Steffen, Schneider (64. Cillien), Kreber, S. Schleimer, Pitsch, Frick, Kalweit, Dick (73. Dellwo)

Judge: Jan Schmidt (Koblenz)

Tower: 1:0 Paul Reichelt (90.)

Dear Fork: Gelb-Rot for Niklas Henry (Westerburg, 90.+9)

VfB Linz – SG Schneifel 2:0 (1:0)

If Aufsteiger Linz no longer plays the Schneifel-Kicker in an attacking game and plays a double game after the attack, a system change is to volziehen (from 4-2-3-1 to a 3-5-2 victory). VfB-Akteur Manuel Rott played in the 54. Minutes of the two goals of the days, in which both teams were das Spiel dezimiert: Milot Juniku was placed on the field with Gelb-Rot after 65 minutes, where Christian Babendererde in the final phase as the last man short of the penalty frame a Gegensplayer tactical error. Shortly before the break would experience the stay of Nicolas Görres in the Führung and put the game on the Kopf, but the Linzer Torwart war with Stelle. In the event of a cabinet statement, the cleaning up will start and the Schneifeler will rear up, but further immunity problems will be said.

SG-Trainer Stephan Simon stated: “We have lost and earned the game in the first half of the hand. Linz plays with a good game and puts under pressure for a while. In the second half of the year we started to take more risks and play a woolen tie game. Leader has an unknown chance that the chance is big that the chip balls fall. Meine Jungs does not mean that I am so focused and no longer want to know what a game is.

Swiss chard: Lautwein – Szillat (69. Kerner), Babendererde, Grün, Moitzheim (35. Reetz), Pidde, Görres, Lenerz (35. Zunk), Backes, Zeimmes, Zapp

Judge: Pascal Lichtenthaler (Deeds)

Cracked: 1:0, 2:0 Manuel Rott (34., 54.)

Special prevention: Gelb-Rot for Milot Juniku (65., wiederholtes Foulspiel), Rot for Christian Babendererde (85., Notbremse)

SV Rot-Weiss Wittlich – SG Malberg 6:0 (1:0)

Wittlich can start a jewel and with Ralf Rizvani and Yannick Lauer undertake two activities in his own row, which jewels three goals to Kantersieg. Then with Maximilian Uhlig zum zwischenzeitlichen 2:0 (70.). Wittlich-trainer Björn Griebler cheers: “It is a game that Malberg does not defend and destroys in the football game. If you had no ambitions while keeping the tempo high, there would be no more war. We are patiently kept and have punished Malbergs Spielweise. “

Funny: Berhard – Harig, Düpre (80. Lentes), Rizvani, Littau (57. Uhlig), Kahyaoglu (78. Arbeck), Braun (62. Heck), Habbouchi, Wollny (71. Tonner), Ercan, Lauer

Judge: Christian Baum (Dickenschied)

Cracked: 1:0, 3:0 Ralf Rizvani (34., 74.), 2:0 Maximilian Uhlig (70.), 4:0, 5:0, 6:0 Yannick Lauer (75., 83., 90.+ 1)

SG Vordereifel Müllenbach – FV Hunsrückhöhe Morbach 5:1 (4:1)

Die Hunsrücker wurden ihrer Favoritenrolle nicht dish en wurden von Aufsteiger Müllenbach abgeschosssen. SG-Angreifer Lukas Mey has seen three goals, with Noah Lorenz for Morbach per verwandeltem Handelsmeter (now) the Ehrentreffer therezielte (2:1, 28.). Before the break, the Fußballvereinigung was examined with 1:4 zurück, war aber playful dominant and afterhm das Zepter immer wieder in de Hand. The Hausherren are looking forward to playing the most exciting feature films of their lives with Finn Jordan and Mey. Louis Kappes traveled in the 67. Minutes before staying for the latte. Morbach’s coach Philipp Frank has to say: “We are sober that we have more ball control and the result does not reflect the game further. Müllenbach is busy with a small siege, while he has no abscondment luck and has a great chance of his escape. There was a clear defensive hat that was led by the defense, and then they were not consistent.”

Morbach: Görgen – Amtmann, Kappes, Schell, Schemer (72. Schurich), Meeth (62. Servatius), Klassen, Ruster (65. Steinbach), Thul (62. Böhnke), Schultheis, Lorenz (72. Kahyaoglu)

Judge: Arianit Besiri (Trier)

Cracked: 1:0, 3:1, 5:1 Lukas Mey (3., 30., 59.), 2:0 Finn Jordan (17.), 2:1 Noah Lorenz (28.), 4:1 Ole Conrad ( 45.)