
Unsere Erde III im TV – Sendung

Unsere Erde III im TV – Sendung

A new generation of painters has become acquainted with the unusual Middle, the nature of the shun and art for the unusually shining of Aussterben zu retten. The good cause is that your Einsatz Erfolge has said. If a porn film is made for all people and courtesy, the evil can not happen, but it still can not happen. A number of works of art can not yet be used before they are rettett, compensated the letzten, partly widely printed copies found and with artefacts brought together to the fortification. Solche Missionen require much work, hardship and patience, and every Artenretter risked sogar his life. Sigh programs are often a herausforderung, while the infringement is promoted by a larger offer that can be used or in other states. And if it is otherwise, it is so that the level is greater and the Umsiedlung will quickly disappear. Dumisani Zwane, the most renowned Wilderness in South Africa, is a mid-range specialist in the transport of Spitzmaulnashörnern. The pile brings a ton on the Weage and the amount of water that is often brought, we will use a Lebensraum in the future. “Dumis flying Nashörner” is a legendary legend. In reservations there is a great chance. Besides the big ones there are also many small ones in front of the exit. A well-known prince is formed by a pilsner that lies at the height of the amphibians and radiates too much power. Worldwide, this epidemic is ready for several types of victims to fall victim. The biologist Jaime Culebras has put together a program that is a good art. First of all, the imagination gleans after the profitable patients in a mysterious rain forest or eloquently sought the needle in the hat. A smaller Harlequin frog hat is Jaime different than usual. The team has found the profitable hippo “Sad Santiago”. Sad is for everyone therefore, while Jaime remains his partner for his finds. Mittlerweile gilded the “sad Santiago” as the last blessing Art. The best mancherkunst can have an enormous influence on the outbreak of the Schutzmaßnahmen and before they are all risked by time. The Waldelefanten of the Elfbeininküste beispiesweise is by the illegal Elfbein trade grim deception. Independent Elfante babies were slaughtered, while their profitable teeth only love few Elfbein that can be used. The active Tang Nguyen is a young woman from Vietnam, who works with the international nature conservation network EAGLE. As potential power brokers in the elf influence mafia, a Wilderer, Hehler and Schmuggler, do their utmost to help the charismatic Dickhäuter to reach their end. On a level in a region it can often happen that another condition is changed. The Auswilderung of Zootieren is not nearly as simple as it remains hanging. Often it is the case that people die in the wilderness of their know-how, in the wilderness of their life. There is a problem for this problem in Europe that was caused by Waldrapp years ago. The ibis with the raised Federbüschel on the back should be like a sea bird in the summer in Germany, Austria and others in the north of the Alps located and beg brutes and in the herbs after Italian migrants. If the Waldrapp finds a way to the mountains, the young bird must be sucked up by the hand and its human concerns are impressed. The biologist Katharina Huchler and her colleague Helena Wehner see as a woman a herd of 28 Waldrappen and fly in the air of the Alps. Once with the route trusted, the bird is from this time point in the low, also alone to find its way over the Alps. If the culture of the Waldrapp with this Help was no problem, it became close to Europe how secretly it would become. Fatal consequences for the disease, if it is a residence, in the devastated wild nature a new home is found. Alessandra Korap is one of the representatives of the indigenous Volkes Munduruku. If you want to work with your Heimat, the Regenwald Brasiliens, more through the Bergbau, the Holzindustrie and for everything for the Landwirtschaft, you must do so. Because the American people have a brand of power, he organizes the community with others from the rainforests, the largest protest of the indigenous people, the jewels in the Brazilian government fund hat. Schon Ex-Präsident Bolsonaro must be a Gesetz who will abandon the Rodung der Wälder am Amazonas. Auch of the Regierung von Lula da Silva traut Alessandra wenig zu: “If Lula is in Australia, it is with a lot of life and not with Waldschützern. A Ministerium is worthless, if the Regierung über our Land verhandelt, ohne anzuerkennen, that’s a sin here.” A thought about politics is the most important choice, when the climate walk and the arts will stop. Bislang has a good reputation as politics as a climate advocate and art protector erwijsen. One of the davons is Mohamed Nasheed. In 2008, the president of the Maldives started working on the world of the expedition to the climate protection. A year later there was a parliamentary meeting of a washer, one of the peculiarities of the machine, that his state support would become bare, if the climate warming could no longer be stopped. Zwischenzeitlich wurde is steered, eingesblockrt, getortert and only snapped the attack by a motorcycle bomb. Trotzdem can in no case and no one withdraw from the global politics on the climate war and how the global climate change can take place at a temperature of 1.5 degrees Celsius. For Nasheed, the climate climate is the most political theme of the struggle. (Sender info)