
App can be used in the treatment of medical aid

App can be used in the treatment of medical aid

Bei der Behandlung von medion bezouwen bei Kindern and Jugendlichen test Psychologists en Ärzte unter alles in hessischen Einrichtungen ain new App-basiertes Trainingprogramma. The four Vitos children’s and youth ambulances for maximum health in Eltville, Wiesbaden, Idstein and Kelkheim are one of the federal studies of the Universitätsklinikums Hamburg-Eppendorf. Das Therapiekonzept «Res@t» has completed a digital training. The app can be placed on a smartphone or tablet and can be affected by a change from 10 to 19 years and in your life.

Digital media are younger in the Alltag than a standard presentation. “Problematic can be another person who is affected, if the smartphone or the tablet is on his tablet, and if the household appliances are completely taken out,” says Fabian Fuchs, head of the psychologist of the Vitos Children’s and Youth Ambulance in Idstein in the Taunus . It is possible to cook or cook all day long.

If you give a warning signal, a warning signal may occur

“We are interested in our media through our activities: Playing, Social Media and Streaming,” says Daniel Sammet, leader of the Vitos Kinder- und Jugendambulanz in Wiesbaden. “A wesentlicher aspect ist, be it damned or not..” We repeat that there are warnings that it is often a problem in the family or the hobbies that became the Mediennutzung vernachlässigt.

The Res@t app is for patients who no longer need therapy. Seeing other people can help you reduce control over management or uncontrolled media consumption. The effects are so great that you are affected by stress and your social problems are addressed. If it is good, there is a way to cheer up the childhood and youth style, and a regular period of time. Seeing other people is a handy free sound, in the family on the smartphone display, says Fuchs.

Psychology: App can be easily found

If you are looking for an answer to Fuchs’ question, then the Eltern will become a problem and it will be a medium consumed, that will solve the problem. “It can be a mystery,” said the psychologist. If you do not know that the average nutritional value of your work is, it is one of the controls that you have. The inhalation of the app is based on strategies for the therapeutic treatment of medical treatments.

The vitos focus on a period of years during the study, it is a question of research in science. The research project was launched in August 2025 and will be supported by the German Bewertung. After acceptance at the Universitätsklinikums Eppendorf since 22 Partner and studybeleigt, davon five in Hessen. Insgesgesnat naähmen activates 100 Probanden part.

Etwa sechs Prozent der Kinder und Jugendlichen affected

A pathological digital use can occur in the years of the corona pandemic in children and young people after the death of experts. Etwa six percent of children and young people in Germany develop symptom of a medial disorder. Often you will not find any diagnosis anymore, said Sammet. Those affected may suffer little from depression or anxiety.