
Schloss aus Maxton Hall at Amazon Prime: Rechtsstreit eskaliert – Anzeige

Schloss aus Maxton Hall at Amazon Prime: Rechtsstreit eskaliert – Anzeige

Der Zoff zwischen der Stiftung Schloss Marienburg und de Kultusministerium verschärft sich. Was bisher bekannt ist.

The Machtkampf is a Welfenschloss Marienburg in Pattensen, where it continues. After information about the “Hannoverschen Allgemeinen Zeitung” (HAZ) of the Stiftungsvorstand, Ulrich von Jeinsen, a Strafanzeige gegen a Mitarbeiter of the Niedersächsische Kulturministeriums eingereicht. Der Vorwurf: Nötigung beziehungsweise versuchte Nötigung.

Behind the Kulissen of the Stiftung Schloss Marienburg, the property of the historical Prachtbau is a bitter Streit, of a money, Power and the Dreharbeiten of the Erfolgsserie “Maxton Hall” dreht. Ulrich von Jeinsen uses the “HAZ” no longer for the details of the concrete, which is a longer span and the ministerium.

There is a serious criticism of the Cultural Ministry of Marienburg under the leadership of Minister Falko Mohrs (SPD). There was a report about the “Spiegel” of the Ministerium and the immunization for the transfer of the current Staffel of “Maxton Hall” was rejected, while the damage caused by the war, half of the Amazon income of 100,000 euros in the Landesmuseum and the foundation would disappear.

Laut der “HAZ” at the Stiftungsvorstand Jeinsen den Verdacht, dass das Kulturministerium, die Marienburg zum Landesmuseum machen wolle – was the best written in the world.

Start with “Maxton Hall” on Amazon Prime is the interest in the Welfenschloss in Hannover, and let the negative impact of tourism on tourists in the city increase a little. According to an analysis of the travel portals of Expedia, the international airport of Suchanfragen nach Unterkünften in Hannover teilweise at more than 400 percent.

The centerpiece of the streaming hits is 17-year-old Ruby Bell, who is attending the elite Maxton Hall College school. My bigger wish is a recommendation letter for Oxford University, which is accepted. But one of the honorary students comes to Quere: James Beaufort.