
Oasis-Jubiläen: Comeback of the zerstRITen Gallagher-Brüder?

Oasis-Jubiläen: Comeback of the zerstRITen Gallagher-Brüder?

Selten goes in the British music history a week, the upcoming and new band of a band, so grimly wider mirrored who this is. On Friday (30.8.) is 30 years ago, that Oasis with “Definitely Maybe” an album herausbracht, that a large genre becomes more popular – the Britpop. And for 15 years guitarist Noel Gallagher in the band with Bruder Liam the Gruppe verließ. Ausgerechnet jetzt could follow a new Meilenstein.

Guitarist-pop warfare Oasis will be all fronted by the Gallaghers. Selbstbewusste, teils überhebliche Sprüche, verwuschelte Haare, Sonnenbrillen. Two Genies, who are so bad: Noel the started Songwriter, Liam the striking Stimme.

It's been 15 years since Noel Gallagher lost the band. (Archivbild)

It’s been 15 years since Noel Gallagher lost the band. (Archivbild)

In the 90s, the young years from Manchester were the biggest music export from the homeland of Beatles, Stones and Co. Spätestens in the Zweitling “(What’s The Story) Morning Glory?” from 1995 with the mega hits “Wonderwall” and “Don’t Look Back In Anger” they made world famous. With Blur (“Modern Life Is Rubbish”) it came to the “Battle of Britpop” – which band had the style found, is a hot question today.

Blur singer and guitarist Damon Albarn never play. Oasis revolves around the extrovert Gallaghers. During the war of 2009. When he saw a man from the Brüdern, Noel was added to the Tribune at the Lieblingsfußballclub Manchester City or he was another or another promise who a Spruch druckten. The provocation war schon immer ihr Ding.

Noel Gallagher is in charge of the games of the favorite clubs Manchester City in the stands. (Archivbild)

Noel Gallagher is a big player at the Games of favorite clubs Manchester City in the Tribune. (Archivbild)

Genau 15 years after the British spectacle-spectator-medioen now begins a sensational comeback. One of the following comments from Liam Gallagher at X: “I did not like the word “EHEMALIGER”” – after the Fans’ Ansicht it is so that the formula is “ehemaliger Oasis-zanger”.

“Don’t Look Back in Anger” – Did the brothers actually not return to the Sun? If you secretly received a message about the broadcast “Sun”, and a friend and a friend heard.

The “Mail on Sunday” has not been given a name, but Liam (51) and Noel (57) will appear as headliners at the most British music festival Glastonbury in the summer of 2025 and see how Mal plays at London’s Wembley Stadium – while it is Taylor Swift’s best record that breaks out the word. And when the “Sunday Times” appeared, he ended up in Wembley at more concerts at Heaton Park in the Oasis-Heimatstadt Manchester.

German music expert Frank Laufenberg sees a skeptical comeback. “Mir shin, dass Oasis musikalisch alles gesagt hat”, he says. The andauernde Streit der Gallagher-Brüder has been generated in its entirety. “Das hatte nichts mit Musik zu tun. What is Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen? Everything is vulnerable,” said another Rundfunk pioneer and Betreiber of internet radios PopStop for 79 years in the conversation with the German press agent.

Offiziell is nobody. Liam Gallagher visited Leeds Festival on Wednesday night, who wrote the “Sunday Mirror” broadcast. “Is it interesting, or? An interesting situation, in one of the following situations, is a story in the Oasis hit ‘Half the World Away’.

Same lobe for the brother

Make sure Noel surprises Liam with Seltenem Lob. “I can’t say ‘Slide Away’ and ‘Cigarettes & Alcohol’ and ‘Rock ‘N’ Roll Star’ and sing everything.” “Even if it is, it’s nothing. It’s the art and the well-being or the stimulation and the installation. Ich habe nicht dieselbe Einstellung wie er”, says Noel Gallagher in an interview. “If I were to sing a song, it would be good blades. If it’s a value, the value is a big blade.”

Music experts show that the songwriter’s black Christmas has many hits. It is a fact that Liam’s voice has made it through the masses. Noel has with his band High Flying Birds during Erfolg. But his young brothers fill the larger halls with the London O2 Arena.

Zuletzt brought Liam together with John Squire, the first guitarist of Stone Roses, for an album herau. Usually Großmaul is selbst: Die Platte is the best album with “Revolver” by the Beatles.

It’s not the first time that Gerüchte makes a comeback through the medium-length schwirren. There may be a few fans in town, the band may appear at Wembley Stadium during the summer. Liam Gallagher has put an end to the speculation in April but: “I haven’t experienced an Oasis reunion, it’s a time when all the sparrows will be alone for our own community,” writes X.

The anniversary tour on the 30th anniversary of “Definitely Maybe” is definitely Liam alone. Is it in 2025 but who else will come? This lasts as long as the Brüdern Gallagher is “definitely beautiful”. (dpa)