
Pilze sammeln – Experts reveal who and who

Pilze sammeln – Experts reveal who and who

There may be a problem with the temperature during the summer and the temperature in the rainy season. Other offers can be the ideal pre-set for a subordinate Leidenschaft bein. The wet-warm Witterung is particularly good between Mid August and October Pilz. Whoever is in the conversation with the donor-pilz expert Andreas Kunze, can use the Wetterumschwung together with the bottom moisture for a blue pilzkopfe remedy. At last, it is given at the collection of all kinds on the beach, the erasure of knowledge and his college, of the pilz expert Martin Heilingbrunner from Alerheim. They are both tips and tricks, a couple of pilzcollectors hereby search richly and perhaps come bald with rich extras to the house.

„Pfifferlinge could wait at night in the Buch-oder Fichtenwäldern. “Auch Täublinge kommen en Sommersteinpilze would be found under the Eichen or der Rotbuchen,” Kunze paints after a seiner Erfahrung. There is a war going on at the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Mykologie-tätig.

Bei Zweifeln besser a Pilz zu fell in Wald lassen

A gründliche knowledge of the Pils is one of the smartest: Jeder Pilz must reach the end of the best and recognisable signal. Jedes Merkmal muss vorhanden signal. Hat of the Sammler Zweifel, then gilded: „Besser einen Pilz zu fell in Wald lassen.“ Heilingbrunner and Kunze überinstimmend understand this Faust rule. If you use these types of pills, it has a poisonous doppelgänger. So the Steinpilz can be mixed with the Satanspilz, the Wiesen-Mushrooms with the Knollenblätterpilz, a now two Beispiele zu nennen.

Heilingbrunner remembers a tragic autumn of 40 years in Oettingen: “A family that lived together in the woods and the children were very happy with their young children, neither their mother nor daughter was fully alive. If this kind of thing involves one or more tubercle injuries, the eggs and the child’s seat then become one of the poisoning substances.”

From now on, you will need to fill the pile in one way and then transport it

Heilingbrunner urgently reconsiders Sammlern, that is children – and natural as well as other unknowledgeable – ihren Fund immer einem sachverständigen Erwachsenen zeizen sollen. Jedoch nur Giftpilze, some of the most common pills can exclude the Stomach-Intestinal Syndrome: Fest soll der Speisepilz sein, with their typical lamellen- or rohrenfarbe and with more art-typical brand malen and possible ohne Fraßspuren von Insekten. So there will be a problem that can be transported. It is only possible that the water is heated and the heat becomes more warm and then the pill is further accelerated. Damit der precious Fund zu Hause may be easier to clean ist, empfiehlt Heilingbrunner darüber hinaus, die grobsten Erdreste bereits im Wald zu entfernen.

The house has started, it is important that a food gift is offered, the Pils will be used more and more often. It is gilded: All Pilz parts must be fully prepared. I will not die anymore, so stop with Pils and zwei bis drei Tage in Kühlschrank.

It is possible that there is a surrender to all persons, who were one of the Pilzmahlzeit time-spending, in order to make such a treatment possible. Jegliche Pilzreste is one of the best immunizations for art, “explains a press conference of the Landratsamts Donauwörth.