
Ukraine News: Offenbar Massages Russian Luftangriff on Ukraine – Politik

Ukraine News: Offenbar Massages Russian Luftangriff on Ukraine – Politik

Ungarn suspects EU-Kommission at Stopp Russian Ollieferungen

After the EU Commission has stated that the Russian oil industries have been informed. The EU Commission has made a statement. The background is the Streit Swiss Ungarn and the Slovaks with the Ukraine with the Russian oil production Lukoil. The Ukraine hates in June the Russian energy sector on the sanctions list and has the Druschba pipeline blocked. It is a fact that the Slovak government has given the oil suppliers a larger size.

“The Tatsache, if the European Commission understands that, it is not possible that both the energy management system and the Slovakia will be safe, as a matter of fact, the situation in Brussels will be geschickt, um (…) Probleme bei der Energieversorgung Ungarns und der Slovakei zu verursachen”, said Außenminister Peter Szijjarto in the Samstag about a Parteiveranstaltung.

With the signal Stellungnahme reacts to the separation of the EU-Kommission, in the direction of the Slovak border and is no longer active. While the Ukrainian sanctions do not do the financing of both EU-Mitglieders good, it is so that the EU-Kommission erklärt is.

After the invasion of Ukraine during Russia 2022, the EU stopped importing Russian oil. Most of the things that apply to Ungarn, Slovak and Czech Ausnahmen, these three states can no longer use Russian Lieferungen. When it comes to the Druschba Pipeline, the Ukrainian area is being ventilated.