
12 Personen ohne Pässe in Pasewalk festgenommen – Nachrichten AG

12 Personen ohne Pässe in Pasewalk festgenommen – Nachrichten AG

Pasewalk / Plöwen / Schwennenz – If you send a home, this is a matter of contact roles by the Bundespolizei, the insgesgest itself Persons appointed, who were without the necessary papers for the place. These actions are part of the policy, the illegal Cross-border activities and the locks of Persons who connect.

The first group, which will make up Saturday tomorrow, consists of three young men from Algeria. These in the old age of 19 to 29 years were on a cycle path between Plöwen and Bismark control. The separate aspects of the control: They again have neither a pass nor a residence title. If a political policy is being pursued, it is worth going to Poland. These measures are important, the seriousness of the Bundespolizei is the entry permits nimmt.

Another Vorfall in Schwennenz

The next step is that the Saturday form begins at 10:15 in Schwennenz, on a Hinweis from the irrigation. Here the checks are carried out by a group of new people: four Moroccans in the Alter from 23 to 26 years old and a 30-year-old Iraqi. If the Moroccans have a large amount of documents that have been removed in Poland, the Iraq war would have come about in a Erstaufnahmee-inrichting nach Stern-Buchholz. Although it is light that the Bundespolizei no longer reacts, proactive information is given about the published Population.

Only briefly, at Bundesstraße 104, in the vicinity of Plöwen, another group begins. This file of two persons from Sri Lanka in the 22nd and 29th centuries is an Afghan in the 23rd and 33rd centuries. Once the check has been carried out, there can no longer be any good paper. The Afghan government protection and the refugee facility in Stern-Buchholz referred to where the Sri Lankans were sentenced to death. The status of the Schutz is one of the most important writers for man, who is vulnerable and one of the oldest things.

Background and relevance

These developments are one of the biggest trends in the region, while the trends continue, illegal travel by hindrance. The most important controls, which are carried out over time, are aimed at the limits of their safety and that of the Einwanderungsbestimmungen-sicherzustellen. These actions help you to obtain the certainty of security and to obtain the rightful compensations for travel in Germany to Germany.

The hat of the Bundespolizei has fallen in the authority and the notification of an ordered border system concrete. It is in German that the use of the information and the information information is the most elementary strategy. These people may not be able to become more intensive in the future, an illegal schleusung is getting smaller and smaller.

Current situation and overview

The housing of the women is light on the temporary re-destination in the migration phase. When the legal journey in Germany strengthens the written documents, the business of the Schutz and the Sicherheit is a central theme for many migrants. It is possible that the situation is in the world and that most people become very heavy, a way to increase the certainty of the human in not dying of Help, which is useful. The insight into the political discussions in Europe on the subject will be more relevant and further merksamkeit auf sich ziehen.

Hintergrundinformation about Schleusungen in Germany

In recent years, the theme of illegal travel and the damned problems in Germany has become a central theme. The Gründe für die Migratie has probably failed. Many people fly from the states in Afghanistan or Algeria for civil wars, political governments or extreme economic conditions. These groups of people often see a small change in a life in Europe.

The German Federal Police has played a major role in the migration flows. It is worth it to travel across borders and illegally and to exercise control. Over the years, it is more about institutions, a flight status faster of the überprüfen and the Rückführung-abgelehnter Asylbewerber are beschleungen. Solche results are not unconsidered and will lead a major political debate.

Actual Statistics for Illegal Einwanderung

The Federal Office for Migration and Immigration (BAMF) was registered in the year 2022 with 244,000 asylum seekers in the Deutschland register, was a factor of 30% in the Vergleich zum Vorjahr bedeutet. This disease will explain the consequences of the German asylum system and the herausforderungen, which are linked to the education and integration of migrants. Part of the migrants who came across Poland was the active government that put the Schleusung in Pasewalk under the relevant power.

There is a study by the Institutes for Labor Market and Professional Research (IAB), which visit migrants in Germany, who are often integrated into the Labor Market, as in many other EU countries. With a rising number of complaints and rising reluctance, it is increasingly difficult for the Behörden to find a clear line that actually sees human rights as a national security interest.

Migration has never been a humanitarian issue, but the theme of a gesellschaftliches and wirtschaftliches is that all this is emphasized, a way in which the migrants are considered the gesellschaft.