
Ukraine-Krieg in Live Ticker: +++ 10:22 Video: Ukrainischer Soldat schießt mit Maschinengewehr russischen Marschflugkörper ab +++

Ukraine-Krieg in Live Ticker: +++ 10:22 Video: Ukrainischer Soldat schießt mit Maschinengewehr russischen Marschflugkörper ab +++

Ukrainian Soldiers of an Air Force are flying tomorrow in the West Transcarpathian Region with a Russian Marshal Corps with a load vehicle mounted on Maschinengewehr abgeschossen haben. One of the videos tells Governor Viktor Mykyta in the social media. Be sure to check the missiles in the area below and aim for 650. Separate the fire brigade-maschinengewehrbataillon. The authenticity of the videos was verified by the RTL/ntv verification team. Welche Art von Rakete has made a choice that cannot be carried out.

+++ 10:03 15 Ukrainian Regions of Russia – Energy infrastructure in Visier +++
More than half of the Ukrainian oblast will be summoned by Russia tomorrow after Prime Minister Denys Schmyhal. “Heute kamen bei russian Angriff 15 Regionen unter Beschuss. Der Feind hat verschiedene Waffentypes eningesetzt: Drohnen, Raketen, Kinschals (Overschallraketen). Es gibt Tote und Verletzte”, writes Schmyhal on Telegram. Ukrainian Angaben zufolge wurde Energy infrastructure in four Oblasts affected. Behörden in Saporischschja, Sumy, Riwne and Lemberg share on Telegram with the energy infrastructure in their regions until Beschuss is used. In the capital Kiev’s own country, the Strom- en Wasserversorgung would not be discussed, so Bürgermeister Vitali Klitschko.

+++ 09:40 ISW: Russians settle in Kursk Krafte in, who fight a few more important fronts in Ukraine +++
The Russian army is shifting more power from the sector with lower priorities at the front in Ukraine after the Kursk. This conclusion comes from the experts of the Institute for the Study of War (ISW). The commander of the Russian 810th Marine Infantry Brigade, of the 155th Marine Infantry Brigade, of the 11th Airborne Brigade (WDV), of the 56th WDV Regiments (7th WDV Division) and of the 51st WDV Regiments (106th WDV Division) has brought Russian President Vladimir Putin to power in the Russian armed forces on the border with Ukraine. That is probably the Kursk area, so the US think tank reports in its current position. The ISW has its own element of the 810th Marine Infantry Brigade, of the 155th Marine Infantry Brigade and of the 11th WDV Brigade near Kämpfen in the Kursk area and has obtained information that the Russian military leadership is providing for the short-range elements of the 56th WDV Regiment from the Robotyne area in the west of the Saporian areas in the border region. The Russian military command has expanded Druck’s operation so that he can launch the attack on an attack from Pokrowsk in the area where he is located, so the experts.

+++ 09:14 First Todesopfer during massive Russian Beschuss reportedet +++
At Russian airlines in Ukraine, the thoughts of man are getting bigger and bigger. Reports about death victims in Luzk in the West of the Landes, Dnipro in the East and Saporischschja in the South. Luzk’s mayor Ihor Polischtschuk explains, a multi-family home has been hit by “a feindlichen Angriff” and a man gets to be. The governor of the Odessa, Saporisch and Kharkiw region shares on Telegram with, there are explosions in the regions occurred and forwarded by the people on, Schutz such. The governor of the centrally located Poltawa region, Filip Pronin, wants him to get a little angry at an industrial economy, people can be injured.

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+++ 08:50 Country sees Truppen sister: “Kriegseintritt von Belarus würde Front überdehnen” +++
Ukraine has joined the Belarusian Truppen after the gemeinsamen Grenze. The action is bigger when it comes to a critical analysis of the countries, which is broadcast by NTV reporter Nadja Kriewald.

+++ 08:22 Explosions erschüttern more ukrainische Städte – Stromausfall in Kiew +++
In more Ukrainian cities the massive Russian Luftangriffs are informed (see message at 07.24 am) Explosions of the hour. Whoever received the “Kyiv Independet” message, received a message at 6 o’clock in the Land Luftangriffsirenen. Shortly before 8.30 o’clock the first explosions were to be heard in Kiev. Continue reading. Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko has read the message, which has fallen in “several districts” of the Hauptstadt der Strom. There are problems with the washing servers on the city’s rights page. Also in Kharkov, Odessa, Winnyzha, Saporizhya, Kremenchuk, Dnipro, Khmelnytskyi, Kropywnytskyi and Krywyj Rih explosions were reported.

+++ 07:53 Moscow: Haben 20 Ukrainian Drohnen zerstört +++
The Russian Flugabwehr has the government ministries in Moscow on the night of 20 of the Ukraine on a Russian area aimed at Drohnen-zerstört. Now that we are in the Saratov region, the Kursk and the jewels zwei über Belgorod, Bryansk and Tula can be taken over, teilt das Ministerium mit. Over the regions Oryol and Rjasa jewels can become a Drohne.

+++ 07:24 Russia massively withdraws Ukraine from the air and +++
Ukraine will greatly stimulate the messages. “Explosion in Kiev is a massive attack on Ukraine because of a massive Russian missile and bombardment on the land, on the air and on the ground,” the “Kyiv Post” reported for a few minutes on X. Military expert Nico Lange schreibt , de Russland-gleichzeitig Rockets von Schiffen uit dem Schwarzen Meer and of 11 Tu-95 Bombern ausfeuert and Drohnen anyway ballistic Rockets einsetzt. “The Russian air force in Ukraine is enormous.” Reports of explosions in more stages of the city.

+++ 07:07 Czech Commander reports on Ukrainian delights in Kursk +++
The camp of the Czech Achmat Special Forces has in the Lafe des Vergangenen Tages joined forces with the 2. Brigade of the Special Forces in the Kursk region after its own arrival two gun tanks, five armored fighting vehicles and a lighter tank French construction (AMR) fire. The message was sent by the Russian State Secretary of TASS under the command of the commander, Generalmajor Apti Alaudinov. “I have achieved the end of the days by an automatic a grenade yard and a great way to get a gun fire,” he said further. “While the fear of all these military attacks has taken place, the Ukrainian troops can exhaust their delight.” Alaudinow zufolge sei the Vorstoß of the Ukrainian Truppen are stopped. “Der Feind versucht in der Tat, vorzurücken, aber ohne Erfolg. Wir bereits in zahlreichen Gebieten damit begun, de Feind zu vernichten and eeninige Siedlungen zu befreien. Ich glaube, dass diese Werk met jedem Tag weitergeht.”

+++ 06:41 North Korea: Kim Jong Un fordert Produktion weiterer Kamikaze-Drohnen +++
North Korea Power holder Kim Jong Un calls as “important component of war preparation” for development and production of further kamikaze drones. This message is a message from the state navigation agent of KCNA who appeared at a test that secretly goes to drones. If some kamikaze drones have an unmanned airborne object experience, the results will be carried out with a feindliche Ziele. In Ukraine, Russia regularly deploys Iranian drones of the type Shahed. North Korea and Russia have been fighting a very military battle. The drone test was carried out by KCNA in the Saturday against the background of ulterior tensions with the state of Nachbarland in South Korea. Auf offizieellen Photos are like that, who flies few Flugobjects with x-shaped Flugeln in Direction Panzerattrappen and explodes. Let the South Korean nachrichtagent show you that the South Korean Panzern of the Types K-2 is nachempfunden.

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+++ 06:34 Ukraine: 1,140 Russian soldiers “eliminated” within days +++
After the Ukrainian Armed Forces 1140 Russian soldiers within 24 hours are sold or wounded. The fight against the “elimination” of the military forces in Russia began the wars on 608,820. The Angabenlas are not useless. Kiev will be followed by four Russian tanks, 17 armored vehicles, 47 artillery systems, a multi-purpose rocket launcher, a luftabwehr system and 39 drones.

+++ 06:12 Kiev warns Minsk davor, “tragic Fehler” zu begehen +++
Ukraine has left Belarus by the Ukrainian, large military force and military power and the community in Grenze. At a control of the foreign ministers, the direction in Minsk is imitated, “defend the actions with the unterlassen” and your Streitkräfte from the border region. The Ukraine warned Belarus endringlich davor, under the pressure Moscow “tragic failure” to begohen. A position statement of a Russian Confederate Belarus does not lie vor. Let the Ukrainian government find one of the Troops on the Border in the Belarusian Special Units and the evil Wagner-Söldner. The Ausrüstung umfasse Panzer, Artillerie, Luftabwehrsysteme and Pioniertechnik, die in the Region Homel and the Nordgrenze of Ukraine stationiert seien. In the history of history, Ukraine “did not lose many of the Belarusian People’s Units and died in Zukunft nicht tun”.

+++ 05:46 Russian Governor reports from Schäden during Drohnen-Trümmer +++
In the Russian region of Saratow, the governors of the Russian Federation are more damaged by Trümmerteile abgeschossener Ukrainian Drohnen. This concerned the cities of Saratow and Engels, the Governor said via Telegram. See all Rettungsdiensten in Einsatz. In English, it is a strategic Bomberstützpunkt Russlands.

+++ 03:52 Flugabwehr reports Drohnenangriff on Kiew +++
In the Kiev region, the Ukrainian airspace system in Einsatz is a Russian Drohnenangriffe abzuwehren. “Eine feindliche Drohnenbewegung wurde endeddeckt! The Luftabwehrsysteme in der Region sind aktiv”, teilt de Militärverwaltung der Region über Telegram mit. In general, it can happen that there are lies without any information.

+++ 00:19 Selenskyj nennt Angriff auf Reuters-Team “absolut soul-orientedt” +++
Ukrainian President Selensky has been informed in the Abendansprache of the Raketenangriff on the Mitarbeiter of Nachrichtenagentur Reuters eingegangen. When fear in a hotel in the eastern Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk becomes war, it becomes a little more exciting and it becomes easier and easier to help the agent with him. While the Toten acts, it is the most evil British soldier Ryan Evans. The 38th edition of 2022 was listened to by Reuters and journalists in the security sector in Ukraine, Israel and at the Olympic Games in Paris. Selensky said that a “normal city hotel” could be a Russian Iskander-Rakete-zerstört. The Angriff has been “absolutely soul-oriented, well thought out”. “My Beileid a family and friend.” The Ukrainian Generalstaatsanwaltschaft has launched a platform telegram on the market that has helped the evil spirits. Dieser habe sich am Samstag om 22.35 Uhr Ortszeit ereignet. Reuters did not provide information about Rakete von Russland taking over the hotel from his vision for the company. A Russian Stellungnahme lies nicht vor.

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