
POLITIK-BLOG/Germany has issued 100,000 Impfdoses against Mpox

POLITIK-BLOG/Germany has issued 100,000 Impfdoses against Mpox

The overview in the Kurzmeldungen zu Entwicklungen, Ergebnissen and Einschätzungen around the Bundesdeutsche Politik:

Deutschland spends 100,000 Impfdoses against Mpox

Germany is spending $100,000 on money for the camps against the Mpox disease, which are more grassy in Africa. Explained government speaker Steffen Hebestreit. The impfdoses are being introduced in the best conditions Bundeswehr. The Congo entrepreneurs are affected by the Krankheit. The Bundesregierung can undermine the financial consequences of the states by the World Health Organization (WHO) and by the consequences of logistics. The man brings the expertise and the technical knowledge of the German Fachinstitute in a. Zudem became one of the mobile workers of Labour in Congo, so Hebestreit.

Familienunternehmen: Höckes Äußerungen ze Wirtschaftsfeindlichkeit der AfD

Björn Höcke, one of the leaders of the Thuringian AfD, has launched an investigation into the treaties of the family unions that are the Wirtschaftsfeindlichkeit der Partei gezeigt. “Herr Höcke has dropped the mask and said, who wants his part with my opinions expressed, that ihm nicht genehm sind. With seinen verwünschungen will the Family unternehmern die Existenz zerstören, aber opensichtlich became, who wirtschaftsfeindlich that AfD ist: Wenn wenn Unternehmen in We used turbo lenses, as described by the Leidtragenden,” says Colette Boos-John, Landesvorsitzende der Familienunternehmer in Thuringia. Whatever the case with the Samstag of the collective involvement of family entrepreneurs, who got the AfD out of the market. Anyway, Boos-John has said that he has found “these companies in heavy, heavy economic turbulences”. If we hold the blow, it is a political issue, while Boos-John is expecting a Wahlkampf installation in the summer praised.

BSW: Bei Abschiebungen zur Not durchgreifen

After the anger was expressed at the Solinger Stadtfest by the Bundnisse Sahra Wagenknecht, Amira Mohamed Ali, a heartbreaking course in asylum politics. Watch the rbb24 info radio about an asylum settlement. It is therefore necessary that the products are developed and processed in the Prüfstand. “Wir müssen darüber rode, dass Menschen, die ausreisepflichtig sind, Anreize bekommen auszureisen, and that man sonst zur Not durchgreifen muss,” he said. Mohamed Ali started rappelling at an unhealthy weight. Zum Teil würden junge Leute, die ich nicht in Ausbildung befänden, in Nacht-und-Nebel-Aktionen abgeschoben. “If you are busy, others cannot do it either. It may be that someone has no problem with it,” he says.

Deutsche Nachbarländer warns against CDU plans at Border Control

German Nachbarländer sehen CDU-Forderungen after the Wiedereinführung von standen Kontrollen and all deutschen Grenzen mit Besorgnis, das zu einem Dominoeffekt führen könnte, der grenzfreien Schengenraum ins Wanken alles könnte. The Czech Ministry of the Interior was a “fundamental Abweichung of the active Gesetzgebung and the Prinzip of Schengen itself”. There is a “domino effect of the contact roles in Schengen aviation”, as a director who has gegenüber the European Nachrichtenportal Euroactivist. In Poland and Belgium you will see the message you read with Besorgnis. If the cross-border roles no longer lead to the Wirtschaft, if you can no longer seize the border-free Schengen area, the crowns of European integration can be won, so the message goes.

Kühnert lehnt Forderung nach Aufnahmestopp für Syrer und Afghanen ab

SPD general Kevin Kühnert has the leadership of CDU chief Friedrich Merz on an appeal from Afghans and Syrian back-alleys. “If people have a free democracy, it cannot deal with the shame of the world and the forerunners, but they will never make an offer without being able to respond,” he said in the ARD Morgenmagazin. The Constitution and the individual right to asylum allow Merz’s demands. Look at the AfD, which has demanded a stoppage of acceptance at the Messerangriff in Solingen. Both in the area of ​​​​transition with the elimination of intensive punishments, the government and solutions were also worked out for Syrians and Afghans, so Kühnert. Thema Waffenrecht and Messerbote can be invoked in the Regierung voran. It is good to know that the Hassprediger im Netz anzugehen and gegen Radikalisierung vorgehen.

Habeck: Kein Schutzanpruch bij Missbrauch von Asylrecht

Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Grüne) has taken over power in Solingen through strong power. “People who miss their asylum rights, who are dependent on the protection of the country, so that they can move away from the country, have been denied access to asylum and the protection of the country,” said Ben Sonntag.

Merz fordert Aufnahmestopp for Syrer and Afghans

CDU chief Friedrich Merz has carried out the Messer attack in Solingen as an attack on the Syrian and Afghan governments. The address of the Bundesregierung focuses more on this situation, with the Union together with other Verzögerungen Entscheidungen zu taken, which, as a result, would result in further terrorist attacks in Germany. “After Syria and Afghanistan can be withdrawn, we will continue to flee our countries. We will continue to serve as refugees in Germany in our homeland journey, will be lost in Germany with our refugee status,” Merz wrote in his new newsletter “MerzMail”. After the terrorist act of Solingen it has become clear that the problem no longer exists, but the people are so bad. “In the Mehrzahl der Fälle since dies Flüchtlinge, in der Mehrzahl der Taten stehen Islamisten Motive dahinter,” says Merz.

Nach Solingen: CSU-Chef forders Gesetzesverschärfungen

The CSU advisor Markus, who received more information about the police in the ARD summer interview, has conducted an analysis of the control in the industrial zones. Glancing at the Anschlag in Solingen, Söder said: “We are looking for the theme of Migration in Germany over the head. Man can look for the right one. We are not going to have more integration. Gewalt en auf Gewalt zu reactieren.” Get to work with the CSU chief, strengthened after Syria and Afghanistan. There is a Grenzpolizei after the Bavarian Vorbild, the Syrian and the Afghan population are rid of the Grenze. If you are quick to act on the Federal Government: “It is clear that you are aware of it. Not yet sagen, wir wollen, sondern: wir machen.”

So: Schwarz-Grün has no money as CSU chief

In the ARD summer interview, Markus’ CSU researchers had a conversation with the Union with the Greens after the following Bundestagswahl-categorische ausgeschlossen: “If I don’t have a black-green niece, I can make such a film adaptation.” The world is with me as CSU Chief Niece, even though we are the next Chancellor-Candidate of the Union. If you click on the old Landtagswahlen in East Germany, the CDU-Landesverbond is all Freiheiten geben würde. Auf de Frage, ob es in Thüringen auch Gespräche mit der Linken geben sollte trotz Unvereinbarkeitsbeschluss, antwortet der CSU-Chef: “Aus mener Sicht ist clear, dat muss voor Ort entschieden be. Ich würde Mario Voigt and Michael Kretschmer all Freiheiten geben zu entscheiden , now not with the AfD.”

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 26, 2024 07:34 ET (11:34 GMT)