
Nestlé-Aktie stabil: Neuer Nestlé-Chef soll Konzern dauerhaft leiten – Lob von Verwaltungsratspräsident

Nestlé-Aktie stabil: Neuer Nestlé-Chef soll Konzern dauerhaft leiten – Lob von Verwaltungsratspräsident

New Nestlé chef Laurent Freixe is said to be causing concern in the kitchen.

“No, there is no Übergangslösung”, said the Verwaltungsratspräsident des Konzerns, Paul Bulcke “NZZ am Sonntag”. Daring was about the Gründe of the Wechsel and the Spitze ein.

“Ubergasolutionen are nie gut”, Bulcke continues. There is a big chance that speculations will take place. Freixe is 62 years young, said the Administrative Council President. If you have been working in the kitchen for 16 years, this is a minute’s time and vol verrresponsible.

An abrupt hatte der weltgrößte Nahrungsmittelhersteller am Donnerstag de Chefwechsel cannot be restored. Mark Schneider must go with the softer Wirkung. Sein Nachfolger is the bizarre Latin-American chef Freixe. An der Börse orgte der Wechsel für Verunsicherung und Spekulationen. Analysts assumed the 62-year-old company chief had a surplus of money.

“Viele Factors auf both Seiten”

Der Entscheid has never fallen abruptly, while the conversation is reclaiming. “We are in this situation,” said the Verwaltungsratspräsident. Both factors played a role, such as in Switzerland-Belgium.

The works are no longer in force, as Bulcke. The Entwicklung at Nestlé war will not last longer. The Action of the Swiss Consortiums will begin this month from 2019 under the Marke of 90 Francs. The chief change was therefore not entirely surprising in analyst circles.

Bulcke began the Stride with a combination of properties, which still does not exist, a group in the future to lead. There is talk of an “overwhelming strategic direction”, which has gained internal and external understanding. This is the “Leidenschaft für unsere Marken, das Marketing en de Konsumenten”, as the representative of the Administrative Council. Freixe brings this Merkmale with.

Am health-related festhalten

If you don’t know Schneider is no longer standing, says Bulcke. “Every person brings with him an unashamed power,” said a hot plate of other Schneiders Management skills and his Understanding for Health Themes hervor.

Auch nach seinem Ausscheiden wolle Nestlé an der Schneider ausgebauten Gesundheitssparte festhalten. Das Unternehmen had to do with die Bereich Neuland. If you are at risk, then being able to see Bulcke is a bad thing.

When the chefs cook, the kitchen peak is not suitable for seeing the new chefs. Freixe and Bulcke were in the first telephonic with media and analysts, that the business community is concentrating its core brands and products and organically watching.

The bald 70-year-old CEO has been preoccupied with the fact for so long in the 1960s that he is now and then. “If not, I’m gone,” said Bulcke.

The Nestlé promotion notes a SIX time margin of 0.09 Prozent höher at 89.62 Francs.


BERN (dpa-AFX)

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