
Kooperations-Projekt „The neat Toilette“ started in Memmingen

Kooperations-Projekt „The neat Toilette“ started in Memmingen

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Kooperations-Projekt „The neat Toilette“ started in Memmingen
Etliche Teilnehmerinnen en Teilnehmer der Aktion were at the offizieellen Eröffnung vor Ort dabei (from left): Christina and Sebastian Weigold (Subway), Heribert Guschewski (Stadtratsreferent für Gastronomie/Hotellerie), Alexandra Hartge (Leiterin Stadtmarketing), Oberbürgermeister Jan Rothenbacher, Dietmar Schropp ( Koschtbar), Ludger Escher (Geschäftsführer Unterallgäuer Werkstätten UAW), Francoise Gegenbauer (Weißes Ross), Dietmar Kempf (Gesamtbetriebsleitung UAW) and Michael Blumenthal (Bereichsleiter Standort Memmingen UAW). © V. Weyrauch / Pressestelle Stadt Memmingen

If you spend more money in Memmingen, a toilette costs less. In cooperation with the Memminger Gastronomen die Stadt an der Aktion “The neat Toilette” part.

Memmingen – In the positive situation of the city of Memmingen as a business and tourism position in the Allgäu region and the damned Verbondenen while the larger companies deal with the inner Reeich, the consultation would be promoted, which offers an uncontrolled situation in the toilet area for everything in of the Innenstadt improved were kann. Die Lösung: „Absolutely find the many visitors and visitors of our beautiful city in Memmingen ‚The neat Toilette’“, thank you to Oberbürgermeister Jan Rothenbacher.

Jan Rothenbacher brings the “Die neat Toilette” logo at Cafés Klatschmohn and
Oberbürgermeister Jan Rothenbacher launched the campaign “The Neat Toilette” with the logo and entrance sign of the Klatschmohn cafes. © V. Weyrauch / Pressestelle Stadt Memmingen

The Stabstelle Stadtmarketing went from calling on suitable gastronomes and gastronomes to a Beteiligung am Project “Die nette Toilette”. “The soul was such that the inner city would be more comfortable than the natural toilets, in terms of the best open toilets,” says Alexandra Hartge, Head of Stabstelle Stadtmarketing.

This is how it works

Gastronomiebetriebe presents you your toilet for your convenience, the costs you can make are getting more expensive. If the situation arises, there is a city lifestyle and making a meal in Idealfall, nor new knowledge.

Recognition mark and toilet finder

One of the entrance areas is intended to work with the “neat toilets” – Logo said that guests the usability an. You can use the free smartphone app (in the App Store/Google Play Store) to use the following nets. Toilets are financed once – a bisher 341 Locations in Germany and Switzerland, on Kempten and Mindelheim.

Die teilnehmenden Betriebe in Memmingen since:

  • Backhaus-Häussler
  • Café Klatschmohn
  • Hotel Witte Ross
  • Koschtbar
  • Crossbones by Fähndrich
  • Naschhaus house
  • Metro

Insgesamt stehen de Besucherinnen und Besuchern der Einkaufsstadt Memmingen damit 15 öffentlich zugängliche Toiletten im gesamten Innenstadtgebiet zur Verfügung.

More information about the project at


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