
Comment: Warum der Anschlag in Solingen Behördenversagen ist – Landespolitik – Nachrichten

Comment: Warum der Anschlag in Solingen Behördenversagen ist – Landespolitik – Nachrichten

Viele Menschen müssen zammen agieren. The Security Mechanisms of Secret Services can be used here. Absprachen, the high degree of neatness, probably became a fact and my insight was that the Anschlagspläne zu vereiteln. Who zum Beispiel in the Weihnachtszeit is planted Attentat auf the Cologne Cathedral.

This hindrance is not untouched

If you do that, you can eat the others. Radical, most of the life will take place in Syria, plans in the whole country, a complicize and a complicize infrastructure. Then you can put an end to the Messer with his Stadtfest and grumble loose.

If you are unable to attend, it is not possible for you to see it. Denn: The incomparable tattoo of Solingen had not dared to be in Germany for a long time. When the asylum war is over, it will take a year before the Bulgarian abgeschoben are more. Dorthin, a member of the European Union’s internal war.

The request, this Abschiebung zu volziehen, has also been given. Genius. There is no more war between Mann and that is not the case. If you use the vollzugsbehörde, the next step goes further.

Rule of law muss Mittel nutzen

And that is the Skandal, and that is the Behördenversagen. And the Verortwortung der in Nordrhein-Westfalen is the current Refugees Minister Josefine Paul (Grüne). If no one could know, if the man was exactly informed, it is not the intention that he goes to the full height of the abschei, the potential power becomes smaller. It is a light fahrlässig.