
Berlin has a lot of love for men, there are few people – two Italian people in the German mainland are proud of each other’s love

Berlin has a lot of love for men, there are few people – two Italian people in the German mainland are proud of each other’s love

Berlin first for the start in the Erwachsenenleben – so it is likely that Italy before and after the Mauerfall is erlebt. A musician and a scribe have made their first start with “Berlin” and their ongoing lies.

There is no other big city that the Italian finds as fascinating as Berlin. Paris is chic, New York is still an American trauma, London has lost its flair, man is a trotzdem-stolz, when the children are having a good time.

Berlin is a number for itself. It can’t be otherwise. If you fall for the Italian, whoever played the music of Massimo Zamboni and the writer Vincenzo Latronico in the Tageszeitung “La Stampa” for a few days. For both the opening of the stay in Berlin the gate is for self-reliance and self-empowerment.

Both Zamboni and Latronico are the German Publikum, which is one of the best things, geläufig. The guitarist and lyrics of Zamboni are the band CCCP, the Italian first punk rock band from the 80s. Founded by Zamboni and Giovanni Lindo Ferretti, who have been acquainted in Berlin since 1981. After 40 years, the man who grows up a year later, is in February in the Berliner Club “Astra”.

Massimo Zamboni Massimo Zamboni

Massimo Zamboni

(Photo: IMAGO/Gruppo LiveMedia)

A black loch full of leather

Von Latronico wurden wiederum zwei Romane übersetzt: “Die Verschwörung der Tauben” und “Die Perfektionen”. Letztererzählt von Berlin and an Italian couple, that in the German Metropole seeht, in the Hoffnung, who will find theresehnte Freiheit, ihre Kreativität auszuleben and in the Leidenschaften, gleich welcher Art, follow zu können.

Anlass zum Austausch in der Tageszeitung war die Wiederveröffentlichung von Zambonis first 2017 erschienenen Memoiren “Keine innere Stimme – Ein Sommer in West-Berlin” und das Ende 2023 erschienene Sachbuch “Der Schlüssel von Berlin”, in dem sich Latronico met der Beziehung zur Stadt ausein put differently . Both Bücher sind beim Verlag Einaudi erschienen und bislang nicht ins Deutsche übersetzt be.

Vincenco Latronico Vincenco Latronico

Vincenco Latronico

(Photo: Amazon)

Vom Gedankenaustusausch founded primarily an ins Auge: Berlin is a herausforderung. Zamboni tells Latronico of his acquaintance: “The Berlin war was such a black hole, about which I knew nothing. Gerade came and from the station Yorckstraße in free rise, I fell in love and landed in a bombarded range, which looked like a jungle.” For Latronico war it is difficult to learn, to die in battle. In the book it says: “No other city is so filled with learning.” While the city or learning is governed by the city, the city of the city is abandoned, so that you can enjoy the city and the Träumen Platz.

Zamboni, year 1957, landed in Berlin in July 1981. Latronico, year 1984, in April 2009. Zamboni fuhr an einem Julitag von Reggio Emilia per Anhalter nach Berlin. Latronico was loaded from a Berliner Theater, which is a signal text that was written. There is a ridge in the Yorckstraße and the other in the Oberbaumbrücke. Both wollen ihrem (skewers) Alltag entfliehen.

Berlin – Metaphor for Youth

“That is the classic story of the 20th century. Years of youth, there in the big city see, after monaten or years zurückkehrt and yet white, were there,” says Latronico. Paris has held this position for 19 years. Jahrhundert worked in New York in the 1960s. “The war in Berlin has affected the city that acts as a Metapher for Youth. It is a completely different city.”

Full of sweetness, or? If you think about it, you can use another one that is still best. So honestly, die Berliner ... Full of sweetness, or? If you think about it, you might as well use another detergent, but you can't either. So honestly, die Berliner...

Full of sweetness, or? If you think about it, you can use another one that is still best. So honestly, die Berliner …

(Photo: IMAGO/Jürgen Ritter)

Where Berlin has given nothing and nobody anything. In the evenings of the Italian war everything is stronger. “The great lessons that Berlin had offered, longed to be fulfilled”, the musician says, the thanks that the conversation partners follow, hinzu. “This production and the history of art are of art or one of the robbed women. (…) I have discos and schools that can produce art from everyone.” For Zamboni it is a city that needs talented residents. “That is a lesson that I have learned from Berlin”, as another city said, said, “and I dare say that it was not so”.

If Latronico das eerste Mal Berlin sah, war er 24 Jahre alt. There is a Roman story and a few positive reactions possible. Jener Zeit plans in the US that you can see in Berlin, and that your Theaterstück is no longer in use. His first stay lasted from 2009 to 2014, 2020 came back and is not sucked in anymore.


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The house orders, which were still outstanding at the time of Zambonis’s first Berlin stay, are no longer available at Latronics time. The cityscape is even more youthful and exciting. It is not that you can find another home with a friend that you can find, there is something like that. It is neither in Berlin, nor the damage that SPD mayor Klaus Wowereit describes as “poor, but sexy”.

Dieses Berlin gibt is nicht mehr, genauer gesagt: Es sei am Verschwinden, klgt Latronico. It was an einst from the Leidenschaft and Freude-schaftten, erranden, experimenteren, nutzen the Startup entrepreneurs were very profitable. Einst sang to Marlene Dietrich: “I have neither a suitcase in Berlin”, with my own suitcase packed. “Die Leere, die sie suchten, gibt es nicht mehr”, says Latronico.

The Mut, it seems that you are ashamed

Zamboni steht dem Wandel critically gegenüber, Pionier and Profiteure have es schon immer gegeben. The Frage, which in most cases, it is more likely, a city, some kind of city, which was created in this way, is now no longer its own wish and fantasy expression. Auch Latronico sets itself that Frage, weil Berlin ihnen but so fell gegeben habe. “Wir kamen verirrt an und resisten als Kunstschaffende ab.”

Mag sein, dass Berlin in de Laufe der Zeit, dem meer een maligned verliert en nie og og og sverstadt, wat sich other. It was clear that it was a matter of course, especially if the Italians were living alone, but the Zamboni was completely clear: “Berlin has a Mut, it is open to shame. The Holocaust-Mahnmal, the Stolpersteine, the Museums are there.” Italian has its statistics for the variant, so perhaps it is a matter of teppich zu kehren, entschlossen. Darin liege auch die Misere des Landes, so der Musiker.