
Traumstart mit Bestnoten für Ebersberg: “Es geht schlechter”

Traumstart mit Bestnoten für Ebersberg: “Es geht schlechter”

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Traumstart mit Bestnoten für Ebersberg: “Es geht schlechter”
Klette and Abräumer: Kadir Kir (grün) deserves the best notes in the Trainer Analysis of Ebersberger Mittelfeld. © Stefan Rossmann

Spectacle in Ebersberg. The guest from Grasbrunn comes under the Räder, Ebersberg’s Trainer focuses on the next task.

Was for an Einstand as the new Ebersberger Trainer! Michael Hieber war anzumerks, that is his schwertat, after the 6:2-Heimsieg gegen the TSV Grasbrunn-Neukeferloh auf the Euphorie-Bremse zu treten. “It’s a schlechter,” says the evil market Schwabener who laughs and cheers about Teams’ “Traumstart”.

The Kreisligaison 2024/25 war did not last any longer, while Neuzugang Riza lost the Führung for the Kreisstädter. “Grasbrunn nur nicht ins Spiel kommen lassen”, while playing a game with the route taken, this was prompt. “We had carefully worked on the Ball, we were able to enjoy the results and we were completely diszipliniert.”

After 37 minutes three Tore

And when Moritz Eglseder with a Doppelpack at 3:0 set (13., 37.), “war Ruhe im Spiel” and the handsome 100 Zuschauer in Waldstadion, the first Dreier entgegen. Zumal Ägidius Wieser nach dem Seitenwechsel nachlegte. “Das war befreiend”, so Hieber zum 4:0 (54.).

The Grasbrunn has not come out of the closet, but looks at the Spielertrainer Markus de Prato. An Elfmeter (61.) walks the Ex-Moosacher and is a sovereign who has a direct Freistoß (89.). “He has a brutal left foot. The shot stopped the Keeper of the World”, while the Ebersberger coach retrieved the goal with 4:2, whereby Lukas Schmidmaier was stopped in a Kreuzeck-einschlug.

Look forward to seeing you again later

A visit to the guest deserves its best notes: Kadir Kir. Gone der Ebersberger in the first half of the time, nor a man who in the Zweikämpfe spät, so it was one of the consequences of the course of time, was in Mittelfeld on his most durable field. His 1A-performance crowned Kir with the final score. After Thomas Grünwald on 5:1 raised hat (90.), dear Kir the Grasshopper keeper has reached his rightful time point, puts the ball on and shoots to 6:2-final score a (90.+4). Here you can see the furiosen that are as soft as we can: “The homecoming brings a night, when we die Leistung gegen Phoenix nicht besätigen.” (hw)