
Straßenmusik in Wolfratshausen: Böhmischer Traum und Balladen

Straßenmusik in Wolfratshausen: Böhmischer Traum und Balladen

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Straßenmusik in Wolfratshausen: Böhmischer Traum und Balladen
Experience the same experience in the Eiscafé Cristallo with one requirement: Choir-Nachwuchstalent Seppi Schilcher. © Peter Hermann

Straßenmusiker continues to play at the Samstagnachmittage in the Altstadt. Eine Musikerin is extra enthusiastic from Stuttgart.

Wolfratshausen – The temperature is above 30 degrees-Markt and one of the last holiday homes has now been renovated for a few years, through the Marktstraße to the bummeln, it appears little erstaunlich. If you are on the same day, you will not be able to have a bad day at the See of Isarufer and enjoy the experience of three standorten sound excursions.

Extra from Stuttgart angerist

During the past years, culture manager Andreas Kutter has been a regular musician, for two more studies and several visits to music in the inner city (with messages). Es traten auf diese Weise bereits local Größen wie the Wolfratshauser Stadtkapelle, the singer Claudia Sommer and the Münsinger Liedermacher Jan Wannemacher auf. Diesmal nahm de Stuttgarter Künstlerin Molly goes further than the way out of the Baden-Württembergische Landeshauptstadt in the Upper Bavarian Province, one of the songs sung in the beer garden of the Flößerei präsentieren. “I originally grew up in Baierbrunn and know it very well,” says our newspaper. With his folky interpretation of the animal classics “House Of The Rising Sun”, Molly gets to work, she is one of the most popular Foot Shaker, an artificial rassel, who has produced a hat. Danach gab see more English songs and a song ballad in the Bayerischer Mundart zum Besten.

All Nachrichten aus Wolfratshausen read here.

Andreas Kutter, the manager of the Rathausinnenhof, was himself in the taste of Klaviers and erfreute with the singer Winnie Tschamler who sat one of the sunshades in the “Rat.㈠Haus.Cafés”. When it comes to tourists, it is so that the television series “Hubert ohne Staller” in the Passage is played woolly and then even longer by the music. Before all Tschamler has found this kind of Soul-Song “Sunny”, this summer is over. “There we still haven’t played so together”, the 28-year-old Attenkamerin modestly.

Playing in Rathausinnenhof Ballades and Pop Classics: Winnie Tschamler and Kulturmanager Andreas Kutter.
Playing in Rathausinnenhof Ballades and Pop Classics: Winnie Tschamler and Kulturmanager Andreas Kutter. © Peter Hermann

Nor weniger Bühnenerfahrung hat Seppi Schilcher. For the music of the chords played by the 14 year old Schüler and the guests of the Flößerei and the Eiscafés Cristallo reichlich Applause. “My Papa hat in de Zeitung von den Straßenkonzerten erahren und mich gleich angemeldet”, erklärte das Nachwuchstalent auf Nachfrage. Both play music and put their music in the heart of the Liebe zum Instrument. “If it is so, it is not true that you can live a life and have the Spaß,” erklärte der stolze Vater.

It’s astonishing when it’s a young guy who has a lot of knowledge and plays music.

“Gut, that’s what Leute etwas gekommen”

After singing melodies that represent the “Böhmisch Traum”, the hollow er of the Belohnung is an Eis. Schon zuvor hatten ihm Zuhörer Money in signals Instrument case acquired. “It’s astounding when a younger guy makes a mute noise and plays music,” said Roland Wald. The 54 years that arose in Wolfratshausen, lived in Spain, and enjoyed their home life with such an unusual musical experience. “I find it good, that’s why I found it, and that my pleasure was good,” says the guesthouse in the Veranstaltungsreihe.

Übrigens: Everything from the region is available in our regular Wolfratshausen-Geretsried-Newsletter.

The end of the Swedish Auftrittsreigens begrüßte Kutter on the Tassilo-Kulturpreisträger Heinrich Zapf as Zuhrer and sweetened, the Multi-instrumentalists are one of the most skilled in the following week. “I was really good at playing,” he said. One of the locations stores art on the herausforderungen, it is a publication that introduces more and more new things. I’m happy to listen to your music during the first few nights, enjoy Open-Air-Samstage.