
Australians dare to abstain from working hours

Australians dare to abstain from working hours

In the digital Zeitalter, the standard health benefits auf Gesundheit. In Australien müssen Arbeitnehmer nun nach Feierabend nicht mehr erreichbar sein.

The most important thing in the round

  • In Australia it may be useful to contact your commenters.
  • The gold-plated money for telephony and e-mails.
  • The Gesetz is one of many ways to create work-life balance.


A new couple is a millionaire worker and a judge in the law, in their spare time for their claims it is not possible to do their business – and however big they are, they can contact their commenters. The so-called amendment to the Fair Work legislation was rejected by parliament in February.

Beschäftigte in mittleren und grossen Unternehmen can now go abroad in my mobile phone and müssen can no longer respond to emails. Für Angestellte in Firmen with weniger as 15 Mitarbeitern treten die new Regeln first in a year in Kraft.

If you get a message – when you ignore the contact send, it is possible that there is an error in the message, who the 9News message is from the sender.

“A fragment of mental health”

«We should be aware of the fact that people who are not 24 people on the job are busy, but not 24 people are working hard.» We interviewed Prime Minister Anthony Albanese with the Australian Rundfunksender ABC.

“It’s a fragment of mental health. If it’s good, it’s the person doing his job without gain. And if your family and your relatives want to know more.”

Is it possible that you might want to abandon any of the previous steps in your spare time?

Studying is very important, while in Australia the Work-Life-Balance is worse also in other countries, write Media. In more than 25 states there are new institutions, such as John Hopkins of the Faculty of Economics, Law and Business of Swinburne University.



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