
Lothar Matthäus schmeißt Job as Jugendcoach hin – roads Eltern

Lothar Matthäus schmeißt Job as Jugendcoach hin – roads Eltern

Lothar Matthäus is no longer the youth coach of TSV Grünwald. The ground: go insult the parents of the junior players. “I have replaced my coaching staff. It is a hereditary time, two years ago. The game has become a problem like the child of children”, says the German football record national game at “Sky90 – the football debate”.

Auch die Erfahrung von 150 Länderspielen half dem Weltmeister-Kapitän von 1990 offenbar nicht voor Kritik an seiner Amtsführung. “And when I thought about it and was on the phone all day and heard everything else, everything was false. Jedem signal Child plays zunig. Then I thought: So there is another power, but power is better,” the 63-year-old reported.

The world football game takes place among the champions of the Bayernliga in the past and present games of Mannschaft seines Sohnes Milan.