
Schlingern verhindern: Who has an Anhänger-Stabilisierungssysteme?

Schlingern verhindern: Who has an Anhänger-Stabilisierungssysteme?

Wind or abrupt wind can cause a shock in the wind – it can be gefährlich. The suspension system for stabilization can cause problems. Who has the technical operation, can test the ADAC and three systems.

  • Gespanne können schnell außer Controlle Geraten

  • The suspension system for stabilization is higher than the Sicherheit

  • Plus: Welche Hersteller eine Gespannfunktion with ESP options

Für Gespannfahrer is there is blank Horror: The living vehicle comes to life in the Schlingern, moves itself and is more in control. I’m afraid the fall ends with the check in an Ausbrechen the confirmations or the memories of the joint relationships. A fall may occur.

Make a light boo can be here the exit signal. Gerade the construction form of the Wohnwagen that has the great frightening properties, which an unintended suspension of the hangers start. Do you want to offer a technical system a solution to identify and manage? What is the money?

Video: Directions Loaded longs Schlingern vor

It’s not the first time Schlinger comes, it’s the right choice. Das Video said, who is it:

The simulation says that charging on the vehicle is working ∙ Image: © ADAC, Video: © ADAC eV

Stabilization system in the air

One of the serious consequences is that you can use a suspension stabilization system. There are several technical problems, a sling or a great chance to recognize and stabilize by helping.

  • Antique pendant coupling: I am a Kugelkopf der Deichsel and Reibbeläge built, which a Schlingern teilweise unerdrücken. These anti-linger-kupplungen are 20 years ago on the state of the art and during the test not performed. You can use a verbal test report.

  • ESP with suspension function: ESP system in cars can use an integrated function, the mounting is known and the ESP is so stable that a suspension may be activated.

  • Stabilization systems: When you solve critical situations, you can make an analysis of the trailer stabilization system. You can do your work or if there is a problem with the boats. When this system is run, the test is executed.

Trailer stabilization system in test

In Germany since im Grunde nur three mounting stabilization systems on the market. Neben de Platzhirschen AL-KO and Knott go to the Kleinfirma BL-trading a Nachrüstlösung voor Verbesserung der Fahrstabilität for Wohnwagen and Co.

Test technology in the Auto zum Test of Anhängerstabilierungssystemen
Mithilfe e Lenkroboters schufen de ADAC Ingenieure eine sehr hohe Vergleichbarkeit der Messergebnisse© Photo ADACRalph Wagner

The system should be in the second row, the Schlinger version and the Ausweichtest, at the ADAC test site in Penzing. If you use a test version with left and right, one of the versions that hang in the swing and the tension on the button. On the day that a similar event occurs, there are a few big differences with the Collision Vermeidung. To improve the comparison, we die Lenkmanöver des Zugfahrzeugs durch een Lenkroboter ausgeführtif you look closely at the Lenkwinkel over the Teststrecke fuhr.

Results of the reconnaissance trip

All systems are made to make a good figure. The tester has a good basis for bean stand. The system of Knott is a refresher, but also AL-KO and BL-trading powers in the track here well. All Candidates are busy securing the hanging objects and removing the hanging hooks. If you notice a problem, it is possible that you may get a blow from the hanging or moving parts of the appliance in the fall.

Otherwise it is shaped like a dying low end at the auction. When the LEAS system of BL trading and the ATC tender of AL-KO is concerned with outsourcing and increasing by half, it is stable and makes it possible to trade, Griff das Knott system very busy one. Insulting is a manual activity that cuts the knot in the Entwicklung with a single flight.

That Mitbewerber says aber, that’s one here deutlicher Sicherheitsgewinn möglich ist. Both systems want them to be ein, when they come to the Schlingerversuchen – also recognize that the German high demands are critically examined, soft as gefährlich and brake the trailer off.

The system in detail and precision

Price of the test equipment: 965 Euro
Weight range: Allgemeine Betriebserlaubnis up to 3.5 tons
Handling: Anhänger with AL-KO-Achse und -Bremse

The AL-KO ATC 2.0 version is available in different variants, also for attachment with a tandem axle. Make sure that the weight of the attachments is adjusted to the appropriate systems on the beach. So ergeben sich in all two different variants. If the own trailer does not have any axle and brakes from AL-KO, it always looks in the rods: Then the ATC 2.0 does not fit. The instruction is not unimportant, the ATC power is one of the best results. If the function no longer works, testing the system is a problem. So the AL-KO ATC 2.0 from the test is no longer available.

+ light display of the display
+ in all Tests of Tadellosis Function

– Status LED that is not visible
– fits automatically and Anhänger with AL-KO-Achsen

Price of the test equipment: 749 euros
Weight range: Overall weight up to 2.5 tons, total weight
Anwendbarkeit: Jeder Anhänger mit Auflaufbremseinrichtung

The LEAS generates a stabilization system of the Company BL-trading, hints at Wolfgang Lubs. The pioneer has marketed the system for 30 years and caused a war by the first Anbieter a single stable stabilization device. The large German company would not have discovered the spirit of discovery of the company and thus not have demanded industrial standards – the largest amount of research they have done. I test the LEAS with the function and the possibility of hanging situations. Another source of information in the universe of the market: Egal with the Manufacturer of the Trailers is a Trailer with a Auflaufbrake device, beyond the system of BL-trading. Also for tandem axles is geeignet.

+ same stabilization in all tested vehicles
+ universal fitting system

– poor processing
– no background notification per LED or lighting

Price of the test equipment: 816 euros
Weight range: Allgemeine Betriebserlaubnis up to 3.5 tons
Anwendbarkeit: Anhänger mit Achse und Bremse von Knott of AL-KO

The Knott ETS gives money to Knott-as for AL-KO-Achsen, it is the market that has been broken down. Add here 20 different variants to the own needs that are suitable for removing weight classes and repairers. The einbau is a difficult task, the brake cable is dismantled and while the ETS is carried out, is müssen. When the test drives give the ETS a long life and give a suitable fitting result. If you react in such a way, it is possible that the test competitor puts the confirmation of the time point on a deutliche basis and stabilizes it.

+ see more with the swinging attachment
+ paintable for mounting with AL-KO and Knott-Achsen

– in test comparison mühseliger Einbau
– im Ausweichversuch erfollow Regelung sehr spät
– Status LED that is not visible

Fazit and Testbeer

Car with Wohmobilanhänger in ADAC Test of Anhänger Stabilisierungssystemen
Specially the system of AL-KO which uses tester, follow BL-trading and button© ADAC/Ralph Wagner

Make sure that the subjectivity of the goal is achieved and that the lenkroboter throughgeführten Fahrmanöver machen deutlich: The safety of a Gespanns can be enormously raised by electronic control systems. Schone a good Zugfahrzeug-ESP level, a stabilization system for the attachment itself has the safety on a new level.

All three tested system functions are typical for a trailer crank, while the Spurwechsel-bezielingsweise Ausweichtest trennt sich das Testfeld dann deutlich. Das Knott ETS Plus is no longer available for this offer, and that means that the products of AL-KO and BL-handel are in that situation and can help, a problem with avoid. The Close the AL-KO stabilization system.

Tips for sellers

  • The suspension stabilization system ensures proper functioning sisterly security gainsif a modern trailer with integrated trailer ESP is useful. It is possible that the grounding of the attachments is not done properly and is not carried out. Erfahrene Gespannfahrer can benefit from trailer stabilisation systems.

  • Absolutely separated from the Fahrstabilität is a correkt eingestellte (= maximum goodness) Support load. This option is intended for the best stability system that fits.

  • When you cross the bridge, and a windy day-muss man with a swinging trailer reckons and wachsam sein. I am Zweifel: Pace runner, damn man, reduce risk.

  • If the pendant is swinging: Lenkrad ruhig halten, behutsam bremsen. NICHT per Gaspedal versuchen, das Gespann zu strecken! Tipps zum Fahren mit Anhänger gibt is here.

  • The installation of the system is now a way to start yourself, when the human – gets the best results during the rendering – which has a persistent function. If this is not the case, a workstation becomes beautiful.

Offers from the manufacturer

  • A key recognition in Pkw-ESP will be a Selbstverständlichkeit signal in the year 2024, when a suspension coupling is verbal – an undone davon, by the coupling of the work or the nightly eingebaut world. Just look Trailer ESP must always be active at work.

  • The Vehicle Owners must be the trader preparing final informationwhile the vehicle is set with Trailer ESP and this function is activated.

  • Stabilization system for working in a fixed position niece now Schlingern, without other critical situations who recognizes and masters a plötzliche Ausweichmanöver.

Wed es ESP with Gespannerkennung gibt

A company is getting involved in a new development with an advanced technique, which is getting a swinging following in the Griff line: Cars with such a Anhänger-ESP. Not for your Pkw-system is the ESP system a warning for a confirmation.

A full-fledged overview, where a model of a voltage recognition is offered, is a leader that is not set. If ADAC causes a conflict, it cannot be that a problem is solved, but the model of a system is determined and speciell, it is a problem with the function of the nachrüstlösung. Therefore sollten Interested am Besten bei hremem Händler nachfragenIt is possible that your business model will be executed with a suspension, or that changes can be made. An overview:

Vehicle repair

Trailer ESP available

Is the Anhängerkupplung (AHK) active?



Einzelfallprüfung by Händler



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Soft drinks are needed

Lynk & Co


nur with repair equipment AHK module



only with original AHK









Soft drinks are needed



Soft drinks are needed



nur mit AHK-Vorbereitung ab Werk



nur mit AHK-Vorbereitung ab Werk

Stellantis (Opel, Peugeot, Citroën, Fiat, Jeep, etc.)


no info






only with original AHK






Soft drinks are needed



Soft drinks are needed

Technical Review: Christoph Pauly/ADAC Technik Zentrum