
ESP and anti-crank system are available in German safety / ADAC test on three models / Not all products are available

ESP and anti-crank system are available in German safety / ADAC test on three models / Not all products are available

Munich (ots) –

The number of trailer couplings rises continuously in Germany, average number of 8.4 million trailers is registered – of which 756,000 cars. The drive with the suspension is a great way to achieve a re-expenditure. A tense reaction to the wind and the tension as a single vehicle, was very important for the power outage. The ADAC has tested a stable stabilization system for the attachment in the Test Center Mobility in Penzing.

Reibbeläge im Kugelkopf der Deichsel, de Schlingers teilweise unterdrücken, since schon seit Jahrzehnten üblich. When new devices use the electronic stability program (ESP), which has a special recognition, the problem for the Verbraucher was no longer German visible.

The ADAC ensures that the recounter is kept informed of the Pkw series – an undone davon, a suspension of the work is no longer possible. If this is a special anti-sway system, critical situations are automatically activated and the resistance increases. At ESP, the ADAC expert has tested the anti-sway system of AL-KO, BL-Trading and Knott.

The tests have been carried out, but it can be a valid Zugfahrzeug-ESP to get a just statement. Those three borrowed anti-sway systems have all their Sicherheit levels nog a deutlich an. All three system components are typical Schlingers and Anhängers that are prevented. The proposed Spurwechsel-beziehungsweise Ausweichtest files are dagegen nicht alle Systeme.

Basic functionality is important for all systems: the system recognises the trailer movements and recognises the brakes when the situation is assessed as critical.

Test the system ATC 2.0 from AL-KO, the Swiss said: This is a reliable and controllable test in all tests. The LEAS system from BL-Trading can in the sale of products, with a high-quality quality in the sale. If ETS Plus from Knott lands on the letzten Platz, it is the best way to have an ​​​​eingeriffen hat.

What tips for consumers:

– Be sure to check the compatibility of the systems: The Knott-System is compatible with Knott- and AL-KO-Achsen, the System of AL-KO is compatible with AL-KO-Achsen. LEAS from BL-Trading works with all Achsen.
– Fachgerechter Einbau: The einbau of stabilization systems could now institute a claim themselves, when there is an indefinite knowledge about the Wirkungsweise a suspension of the hand. Some improvements have been made in the fachwerkstatt.
– Positioning of the LEDs: The status LEDs of Knott and AL-KO are offered on the front side of the caravans, so that the rear mirror of the caravans is no longer visible.
– Correkte Loading und Weigsvereilung: Der Anhänger sollte sollte to laden we, dating de stabilitätende Stützlast möglichst exakt am erlaubten Maximum liegt. The best system can have a small load that cannot be deferred.
– Geschwindigkeit reduce: Gerät ein Hänger ins Schlingern, sollte das Lenkrad ruhig contentn and behutsam bremst. Particular attention is paid to the Überholen von Lkw, auf Brücken and at Wind boats. A reduced Geschwindigkeit hilft, the Schleuderfahr zu minimieren.

At the Caravan Salon in Düsseldorf (30 August to 8 September 2024) you can show your interest at the ADAC stands (Hall 9, in the Starterwelt and on the Freigelände in front of Hall 10) about the information about the schlingers. Experts have received tips for the safety and loading of vehicles, information about carrying out extensive tests and more. On 7 September, the final of the federal ADAC Camper Competition of the Year will take place at the Caravan Salon. ADAC participants can obtain licensed entry cards at the ticket shop of the Messe Düsseldorf.

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Original content from: ADAC, updated by current news
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