
Abschiedet after 46 years in the Ruhestand

Abschiedet after 46 years in the Ruhestand

Vorstandswechsel at the Oberfränkischen Baugenossenschaft (OBG) in Kronach: In a small part the Merit des bisherigen Vorstandes Jürgen Trebes can be honored. Zugleich wurde…

Vorstandswechsel at the Oberfränkischen Baugenossenschaft (OBG) in Kronach: In a small part the Merit des bisherigen Vorstandes Jürgen Trebes can be honored. In this case, Melanie Löffler was presented as a new Principal.

After 46 years of service in the OBG, Jürgen Trebes’ long term in the well-earned Ruhestand came into being. During the praise during the Vorstand, Uwe Döring looked at the brand information of the Laufbahn of the secondary Vorstandes. Jürgen Trebes brought his vom Lehrling to Vorstand. The 46-year-long robbery in the OBG, which was destroyed by the 16 Monate Grundwehrdienst in the Bundeswehr, was an honorable and labor-reich and was the result of many changes and one of the Fortbildungen des heutigen Ruheständlers. The war of 1982 schwerpunktmäßig sein Tätigkeitsfeld in der Buchhaltung. After the fortbildung of the Finanzbuchhalter had been carried out in the Geschäftsführung Handlungsvollmacht, Trebes became more Verantwortung übernahm. 1994, when the Handlungsvollmacht was eliminated with a Bankvollmacht. Read more in the Karriereleiter that will appear in 2013 with the Erteilung der Gesamtprokura and schließlich de Bestellung zum hauptamtlichen Vorstand in January 2019.

The OBG, i.e. Uwe Döring, is an unternehmen with no winnerzielenden Absicht. Döring sprach Trebes großen Thank you for your “stets von Fairness geprägtes Handeln” from this.

In Engagement and Leadership for his Job a Vorbild has been. There are thanks to the name of the management and property rights for the new and responsible matters in the construction sector. Karl-Heinz Hofmann