
Start-up in Kaiserslautern has a battery market

Start-up in Kaiserslautern has a battery market

At a time when technological innovations and technological innovations are increasingly advancing in the development of the market, E-Lyte Innovations GmbH works as a company in the business and production of electrolytes. Greetings from an ambitious company from Münster, setzt das Unternehmen auf de Entwicklung und Produktion maßgeschneiderter Elektrolyte for unterchiedlichste Anwendungen – von der Elektromobilität bis zur Medizintechnik. The finalists in the categories “Aufsteiger” and “StartUp” who won the Trophies will receive the Candidates at the Preisverleihung on September 24, 2024 in the ZDF-Hauptstadtstudio in Berlin.

Dirk Bruniecki for Deutscher Gründerpreis

Dr. Ralf Wagner, Mitgründer der E-Lyte Innovations GmbH, nominated in the Aufsteiger category.

Electrolyte is a modern energy storage device from Herzblut. As the energy density increases, the air and air flow rates become so high that the temperature and temperature of the batteries are optimal. Asia dominates the world market, E-Lyte from Kaiserslautern is coming to light. The device is equipped with an electrical product for a wide range of applications, from extreme batteries for recharging machines to the high battery for the super sports car. Founded by a team of ambitious scientists – Dr. Kolja Beltrop (40), Dr. Stephan Röser (44), Sebastian Staiger (37) and Dr. Ralf Wagner (36) – the company focuses on research, development and the extensive joint work with leading automotive manufacturers and battery manufacturers.

Four ambitious Absolvents of the MEET batteries for batteries and the Uni Münster, a common vision: the development and production of large electrical appliances in Germany, to a marketplace. When the idea of ​​a Fachmesse started, it was important that a part of the world entered a grim Asian dominant market. The recovery and commercial operation of batteries are a longer and longer process, especially in the automotive area. “Europe and Germany have developed in the knowledge of the know-how and can do so too,” explains Dr. Wagner – for the background of the new Giga-Fabriken in Germany and Europe.

A separated Meilenstein war through the partnership with the Mannheimer FUCHS SE, a well-functioning repairer of schmierstoffen. “The production starts of electrolytes”, explains Dr. Wagner. 2022 FUCHS sets up as a strategic partner for a new e-lyte for a modern production facility in Kaiserslautern, while the FUCHS war thirst has a part of the infrastructure of the future.

Rapid overshoot in the years-long war for the founders who are the enormous legal processing capability in their own recovery road. “There is a new complete production technology that functions differently than the unreliable Asian legal processing and its very friendly environment. Despite being highly legal processing capability, what in the form had not been lost,” said Dr. Wagner. E-Lyte factory, the production capacities are being expanded and expanded into new brands. The establishment of the sites in Kaiserslautern is one of the locations on the North American market. “We evaluate the market in North America and are ready in discussions for a location,” reveals Dr. Wagner. In addition to the production department, the research and development area also plays a central role. Batteries are as individual as the engines of the different car brands: “It is possible to use in an industry that does not have a legendary Wollmilchsau, but now to find one for the perfect solution – and that’s all”, says Dr. Beltrop. This mass-divided solution is the heart of the company strategy. Looking long-term at the world of foreign markets in other international markets, anyway in India, is a grim undertaking in the coming years. “There is a global player who can play in the electrolyte market”, says Dr. Wagner.

The finalists in the Category StartUpa maximum threat of independence, which your Geschäftidee especially its inheritance at the market establishment has, since:

  • BLUU Seafood GmbH, Berlin: Fish, a country that wants to! With innovative biotechnology, BLUU has a sustainable alternative to industrial companies. When fishing in the Atlantic Ocean, the fish products are produced again, while in the kitchen they can also use the following competitors; A low-quality alternative for consumers, without the natural resources of life.
  • WeSort.AI GmbH, Würzburg: Zerkratzt, zerdrückt, verschmutzt? Trotzdem can not put Yoghurt-Becher in the unintended Abfalltrennung. The AI ​​of WeSort.AI distinguishes between millions of different products, can exclude a PET bottle from the Mark, the volume is removed and the best weight is achieved. The sorting is fast and quickly 100 percent genau. Human sorting takes longer and there is a halving in the generation.

In the category take off Was no longer used, it is no longer a year ago that another kind of Wachstum has emerged. Nominated since this year:

  • Dermanostic GmbH, Düsseldorf: The digital dermanostische dermatological practice offers an uncomplicated and fast dermatological treatment. Three photos of the main shipment and a fragment of the anamnesis story were taken by smartphone app. We recommend that you perform the dermanostische household by app for diagnosis, not in “Arzt-Latein”, but in a broader language. On request, a recipe is sent directly to the desired pharmacy or to the house.
  • E-Lyte Innovations GmbH, Kaiserslautern: Electrolyte is a modern energy booster from Herzblut. E-Lyte Innovations is committed to Forschung, Entwicklung und die unter Zusammenarbeit met automobilherstellern und Zellproduzenten, which also makes it possible to develop Unternehmen in the Entwicklung and Produktion of Electrolytes. Maßgeschneiderte Elektrolyt-Losungen und -Rezepte since das Herzstück der Unternehmensstrategie.
  • “fobizz” from 101 Skills GmbH, Hamburg: Jede zweite Lehrkraft in Deutschland nutzt fobizz! With over 400,000 Nutzern it is the most successful German platform for Fort- en Weiterbildungen for Lehrkräfte. If you offer digital and AI-enabled Tools for Lehrer:innen and Schulen, you can target the masses in the digital Bildungslandschaft. Active top theme: Künstliche Intelligenz in Klassenzimmer, as well as Fortbildung for Lehrkräfte as well as for Integration in the Unterricht.

All finalists have had an individual notified of their advice by Porsche Consulting. These are the criteria for the Kuratoriums des Deutschen Gründerprises über einen Zeitraum von zwei Jahren Patenschaften für jeden Finalists and put their know-how and their inheritance towards Verfügung. Die Unternehmen have started a Medientraining for ZDF, so that they go to the network of the German Gründerpreises.

Vorgeschlagen wurden die Unternehmen von de 300 Experten des Deutschen Gründerpreises. They come from renowned companies, technology centres, ministries, grassroots initiatives and the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe. The experts discuss many years of experience with basic knowledge and good branch knowledge. If you want to leave the company, the initiative is to start. The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection supports the German Gründerpreis.