
Schöftland: Gewerbeausstellung with Tiny House

Schöftland: Gewerbeausstellung with Tiny House


A Tiny House at Festzelt: the public and the «Gwärbi»

After the discovery of Jahren Wartezeit in Schöftland from September 13 to 15, a Gewerbeausstellung was established. Das OK will follow the motto «gwärbisch! For the youth, the young generation will finally be welcomed.

The construction work for the Schöftler Gewerbeausstellung seepen Publikum aus dem beachbarten Suhrental Alterszentrum an.

The construction work for the Schöftler Gewerbeausstellung seen from the offices of the Alterszentrum an.

Photo: Laura Koller

Interested in a ​​​​residential and real estate agency stop at the morning traffic jam and the clean-up work for the «Gwarbi». In the area of ​​the Alterszentrum and the Bank Leerau in Schöftland you will find from 13 to 15 September the Gewerbeausstellung statt, the Donnerstag herrscht on the nice Festgelände Baubetrieb.

“We have actually only had dinner with two teams”, said OK chairman Johannes Lehner, before any chance of success. You have written down a man, the death of the “Gwärbi” again became a big matter. The registration of the 90 or so companies, who are presenting, moves the inner Kürze to OK ein.

Now three large festivals were set up. When you enter the Catholic church, you walk through the exhibition. “There is no official expulsion or quergain, which is only for the Samaritan,” said Lehner. It is okay that the exponents and exponents beet die, but that the Publikum is a ​​​​all standard.

Tiny House and other descriptions

In those years exciting actions and actions on the implementation are possible. The details are for the public an ​​​​exceeding of the time, Lehner thinks and will therefore not betray much. An element can be one of the best options for the choice of the place for the alternative center: a Tiny House, which is a nice place to find a place on the market. Trade with the Mitarbeitenden der Brunner Zimmerei Holzbau GmbH for the Innenausbau and the Fassadenverkleidung. After the installation of the device, it is festively installed and multiplied in Schöftland.

If the 'Gwärbi' has a Tiny House in an integrated Ausstellungszelt, it is important that the Unternehmen are used as a community setting.

If the ‘Gwärbi’ has a Tiny House in an integrated Ausstellungszelt, it is important that the Unternehmen are used as a community setting.

Photo: Laura Koller

The “Gwärbi” and will be in 2017, when the 100-year anniversary of the Handwerk- und Gewerbevereins Schöftland en Umgebung (HGVS) was celebrated. Stubbornly oriented if it is good with a four-year rhythm, for the war of 2021, the next Australian war is. The first time the corona pandemic raised its head and the following years took place in Schöftland, the celebration of the 800th anniversary.

«Gwärbi» addresses Jugendliche

If you see the anniversary in the Focus stand, you can easily find yourself in those years of the nachwuchs. The exhibition stands under the motto “gwärbisch! Au för d’Jugend”. “If it is good, then set up a marketing exhibition youth proper not one, but the youth is the future”, Lehner explains. One of the “Gwerbi” is a young person who involves a child abroad and gets to work with the learning skills.

Das OK der Gewerbeausstellung Schöftland (stehend from left): Michael Meier, Ulrich Watzel, David Faes, Daniel Brunner, Daniel Hunziker, Peter Zürcher; (sitting from left) Dieter Bär, Katja Struck, Johannes Lehner, Claudia Salm, Markus Stutz.

Das OK der Gewerbeausstellung Schöftland (stehend from left): Michael Meier, Ulrich Watzel, David Faes, Daniel Brunner, Daniel Hunziker, Peter Zürcher; (sitting from left) Dieter Bär, Katja Struck, Johannes Lehner, Claudia Salm, Markus Stutz.

Image: zvg

“It is of course that you can use the Gwärbler,” said Lehner for the guidelines of the Gewerbeausstellung. It is possible that there are some bets in which the Rückmeldungen may occur. In other countries, the OK held a Neuerungen-fest, the eingeführt-wurden of 2017. So tomorrow morning, when the Bettag has fallen, find a Gottesdienst in Festzelt-statt.

If you offer a food meal, you can take a long cooking course in the way you do. These were increasingly larger when they dropped the «Gwärbi» and it became more family-friendly. “In the future, the weight would be placed on child-friendly people”, so Lehner. If the Ausstellerplätze is completed as soon as possible, it is so that the “Food-Meile” harziger verlaufen.

Hilfe des Zivilschutzes falls under the Aufbau

If you use the charger, this is a problem. “Before we have saved our civil protection jewels,” said Lehner. If you impose new rules, the problem can no longer be solved. Construction therefore incurs higher costs than in the past. “We hope that at the end of the day we will have to pay the costs,” said the OK president. If it is good, it is wise to look at the community and the alternative center that is not complicated.

Johannes Lehner is a member of the Zweiten Mal as OK President of the «Gwärbi» Schöftland.

Johannes Lehner is a member of the Zweiten Mal as OK President of the «Gwärbi» Schöftland.

Image: zvg

The Alterszentrum is one of the most important ways to live on the Kiesplatz for the representation of education, where normally the Mitarbeitenden der Institution parkieren are. On the feast of the Gemeinde is the asphalting and the construction of the new Coop-Überbauung as a Kundenparkplatz destination, one of the first homes of the «Gwärbi». Ab Montag the Coop-Kundschaft dort can no longer park for a month.

If the analysis fails in the Schöftland, the effect in the Schöftland will be estimated. “You hear an echo from the village, it’s a piece of grass, a folk festival”, Lehner tells. The Schöftler brought his mother to Mal-Midgeholfen as OK-Präsident in 1976. “My father obliged me to sell it”, Lehner remembers. When the Einsatz says this, it is because his wife knows one of the “Gwärbi”.