
Make sure to visit the Musical Instrument Museums in Lißberg

Make sure to visit the Musical Instrument Museums in Lißberg

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Make sure to visit the Musical Instrument Museums in Lißberg
Kurt Walter Racky (right) and Timon Gremmels together at the Organistrum. “I can play an instrument,” says the minister. © Elfriede Maresch

Kurt Walter Racky has found one of the musical instrument museums in Lißberg, which is a structural problem. I am convinced that this is a Landesmuseum.

Stimmungsvolles Willkommen: Claudia Gottschalk and Ulrich Ritter played on Drehleiern, as the Hessische Minister for Science and Research, Art and Culture, Timon Gremmels (SPD), the Musical Instrument Museum in Lißberg visited. Museum leader Kurt Walter Racky, Pfarrer i. R. and Kirchenmusiker, and Vorstand Ulrich Ritter, together with the minister, will find a suitable solution for the Museum, ideal as a National Museum with entsprechenden Fachkraftstellen.

Racky stellte im Beisein der SPD-Landtagsabgeordneten Lisa Gnadl, the contact person with the Prime Minister, Ortenberg’s Bürgermeister Markus Bäckel (FWG), Henrike Strauch, Vorsitzende des Vereins Oberhessen, and Dr. Judith Schmidt of the Hessische Museumverband de Geschichte des Hauses vor.

Inspired by the Drehleiermusik 1964 during the Burg Waldeck Festival, the Frankfurter Instrumentenbauer Kurt Reichmann started, Drehleiern zu bauen. Other ways include networking with experts and interests. Jährlich fanden Drehleiertreffen in Lißberg statt, Racky stieß als Ortspfarrer dazu. 1990 started with the museum under the motto “Die Entwicklung der Musik-instrumente von Michael Praetorius bis heute” in the other debt. Es hosts heute with 170 Exponates that have the largest Drehleier- und Dudelsacksammlung der Welt.

Many of the originals and subsequent constructions originate from Reichmann’s collection and his workshop. When the family of instruments is presented, the development of archaic initial forms with the instruments of advanced sound technology is made possible.

Too little space, too little money

Beeindruckend ist der Raum with the im Geschmack verschiedener Epochen gestalteten, densely presented Ausstellungsstücken, aber auch das Musikwissen and the Hingabe Ritters und Rackys, ihr Knowhow beim play der historical instruments.

If the Stolz war does not go ahead, then Racky let the minister know, who brings the organistrum from Klingen, or who is the guest who makes the whole world of the world enthusiastic, who is by Holzwurmbefall and in more Arbeit von Reichmann restores.

Während een Rundgangs durch das Museum met seinen 2000 Instruments uit 100 Ländern powers Racky and Ritter the active structures Probleme deutlich: räumliche Enge, een eigentlich ergreuliche Complete wertvoller Exponate, de standard anwächst, handsome Mittel des Fördervereins anyway Active for those Auf gaben eines -museums with Weltbesonderheiten.

What he especially asked: There are again offers for, valuable collections to be taken over. There are 500 ethnological instruments from all over the world, brought together in Italy, or the gemäldesammlung of Drehleiern and Dudelsäcken by Kurt Reichmann. For the part in question, now that the transport costs have to be increased, we will make a price estimate for the collection after preventing wool. Racky: »It is one of the best things Willen op de Platz can do more.«

No reading questions

Gremmels war vom Wert der Sammlungen beeindruckt, wolllte aber aus Respect for them Museum and the Actief keine leeren Versprechungen machen. Because the Haushaltslage the Wunsch nach a Landesmuseum never erüllt. Gremmel’s power is deutlich, that a “Way of the Small Schritte” is conceivable, and through the erection of the Sonderausstellungen in the Landesmuseen or through the Auftritte beziehungsweise Konzerte for Hessentag or at the Landesgartenschau 2027, a merkamkeit for the Museum of the wecken and Mittel finalization.

You may see a solution for a project and an abolition, and then one of the Stiftungen. The Minister concreted: »The land has no foundation for museums. Dazu sind die Fördervereine da.«

Judith Schmidt concretely notes the digital invention on the ground inventory of 1990, when the Hilfen of the museum associations died for the only time they existed after a financial own development of the Trägervereine-voraussetzten.

The Ministerium and the Museum Association are committed to the »Weg der kleine Schritte«, so we have no choice but to accept responsibility for the continued development of the museums by the few active ones.

15 World features of the museum has museum manager Kurt Walter Racky in a list together. Use the Drehleier and Dudelsack file as the newly built example of verschollener-instruments, the Dulcaina and the Bassanello (next to the Doppelrohrblatt), but the Saz Dulap, a Mongolian Drehzupf-instrument. We see it in the Lißberger Museum of the one ‘Nürnbergische Geigenwerk’ after the Vorlage von Praetorius, a Streichklavier with four tastes after a Skizze by Leonardo da Vinci and another Streichklavier with two tastes over the gesamte Saitenlange. If they both play a game, they will look at their further development, the Accordion leader. There is a Sinfonia, after the Luttrel-Psalter-gebaut, and another, a Einzelstück for the composer Herbert Grünwald. A historical instrument of a certain instrument is the Clavikanon by Werner von Strauch in an Ur- and a verbesserten Fassung.