
Buyer in Germany sinks in August German

Buyer in Germany sinks in August German

Urban planning debts, more bankruptcies and bad economic views: The support of consumers in Germany has erupted in recent years. After a study in the July climate in August, the German zurückgeleidingen, the new study by the Nuremberg Institute GfK and the NIM has been revised.

In the forecast for September, the consumer climate index now comes to minus 22 points, a deterioration of 3.4 points, with the institute close by. Before the corona pandemic, the index had remained stable at a plus of 10 locations.

Thrift is on the rise

The Investigators have begun to set up and conduct a cyclical investigation of the company, as a result of which the Anschaffungsneigung – the Sparneigung – has increased considerably.

„Offenbar war de Euphorie, de Fußball-Europameisterschaft in Deutschland ausgelöst hat, nur ein kurzes Aufflackern and ist nach Ende des Turniers verslogen. If you are negative, please report to the Arbeitsplatzsicherheit, the Verbraucher wieder pessimistic impulses and a quick Erholung der Konsumstimmung unwahrscheinlich erscheinen lassen,” said the NIM-Consum expert Rolf Bürkl.

“Leight increasing work burdens, a better job among employees who are insolvent as well as personal work plans, more diverse jobs in Germany and a relationship between employees who are responsible for their work place,” Bürkl said.

Great return journey again soon

The private housekeeper will see her financial position low in the near future. Deutlich weniger rose as nor for a Monat: Der Indikator Einkommenserwartung verlor 16,2 Punkte. “A greater recovery from the economic burden within our own monats will be achieved for a good two years, in September 2022,” say both Institutes with – damals herrschte aber erheblich higher inflation rates.

For the monatliche Turnus erhobene Studie was fragmented by the Konsumforscher diesmal in Zeitraum from 1. to 12. August rund 2000 Menschen. Auftraggeber is the EU Commission.