
Kulter Engineering GmbH: Constant waiting

Kulter Engineering GmbH: Constant waiting

Kulter Engineering was able to use a nominal machine in Bereich Verfahrenstechnik and Maschinenbau.

BLEIBURG. Kulter Engineering GmbH will be founded in 2022 by Rainer Kulter. Despite its young history, the company was able to establish itself in the last two years in the areas of Transport Technology and Machine Construction. “The committed team with a nice team will play a greater role in newly developed projects, continuous checks and such talents in the field of talent, an expertise that has been further developed”, reports Managing Director Rainer Kulter.


Die Schwerpunkte der Kulter Engineering GmbH lies in de Verfahrenstechnik, der erneuerbaren Energien, Maschinensicherheit und der Optimierung von Anlagen und Prozessen. “What is especially important is your know-how in the analysis of genetic engineering. “The underlying aspects are important solutions for the development of small and large construction projects,” says Kulter. You can ask your question about the first ideas, about the financing and the development of your business. The projects are carried out abroad over time, while the external projects can only leave 100 projects.


Nachhaltigkeit plays an important role at Kultur Engineering GmbH. „The Unternehmen setzt with Ihren Kunden Project in de Bereichen CO₂-Abscheidung, Wasserstofferzeugung, Abwärmenutzung und Kreislaufwirtschaft um. During the optimization of the processes and the more modern technologies, Kulter Engineering is active in reducing the öcological fußabdrucks at “, thus der Geschäftsführer. Zusätzlich bietet das Unternehmen Energy savings for Private individuals and Gesamtenergiebetrachtungen for Landwirte an.

Quality and commitment

The Company network is through cooperation with partners, strong fortification and a strong network work out. “With a clear focus on quality, commitment and care for Kulter Engineering new maßstäbe in der Ingenieurdienstleistung”, so Kulter. Modern and oriented people can develop themselves in the future through innovation and innovation and in the coming years take a successful role in the technology of their technology.

Rainer Kulter gründete since Unternehmen im Jahr 2022. | Photo: Tanja Schönlieb
Photo: Tanja Schönlieb


The Errath family has saisonales Gemüse wie aus dem guten Hausgarten an. | Photo: Errath family


Errath Field Gemüse

Saisonales Gemüse wie aus dem guten Hausgarten

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