
Ukraine News: Two Tote nach Raketeneinschlag in Hotel in Krywyj Rih

Ukraine News: Two Tote nach Raketeneinschlag in Hotel in Krywyj Rih

09:28 Uhr | Ukraine: Fünf Marschflugkörper und 60 Drohnen abgefangen

I think the Ukrainian Luftwaffe has left the Russian Marschflugkörper and 60 of 81 eingesetzte Drohnen. They never flew in Ukrainian air traffic at 8 o’clock. Other Drohnen are absgestürzt.

The attack focuses on the Beobachtern’s assault on Ukraine’s entire energy system.

I have in Russia a fear with 127 rockets and marshalling bodies that flew more than 100 combat drones against the Ukraine. The war that is the highest vom Ukrainian Military, Zahl has reported in the Second World War.

08:19 Uhr | Drei Tote nach Angriff auf Saporischschja

After the Russian Luftan riffs in the Ukraine, more reports of Tote have been made. People have come to enjoy their lives. After a Raketeneinschlag in a Hotel in Krywyj Rih we were prepared to be reported later.

After the Ukrainian Luftwaffe established the Russian army, there was a long-range bomber that came from the start of Marschflugkörper. Auch Hyperscale rockets of the Kinschal types were abgefeuert.

06:27 Uhr | There is plenty of free air travel in Ukraine

Russia has set up waves of airborne riffles in Ukraine during the night. Moscow has started more waves of rocket and drone riffles on Kiev and other land areas, the Ukrainian military shared with. The air traffic systems in the Kiev region were up after the military reconnaissance of the whole night in the air, one of the capital’s targeted missiles and drainage.

Augenzeugen messageeten der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters von mindestens drei Explosionsserien in Kiew in den Nachtstunden. Fear is now one of the most important Russian Luftangriffs in that Krieg.

03:51 Uhr | Rocket launch in Krywyj Rih – two Tote

In the Ukrainian Grossstadt Krywyj Rih in the south of the countries it is possible to find a Russian Rocket in a hotel. It is a very wise choice to send a message to Ukrainian media about the military reconnaissance of the governments and the city. If you are a human, you can use one of the roast shifts that causes the backlash.

The Russian Streitkrafte hit the hotel with a ballistic rocket, the Stadtverwaltung said. The Angaben are no longer unusable. Krywyj Rih in the Dnipropetrovsk area is the birthplace of Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selenskyj.

02:10 | Flugabwehr system in Raum Kiew in Einsatz

In the Hauptstadt region, Kiev has become a Russian Drohnenangriff after the Ukrainian Angaben wieder. “Eine Bewegung feindlicher UAVs (unmanned Luftfahrzeuge) wurde deckt”, share the military reconnaissance of the Kiew area via Telegram with. In the region of Flugabwehrsysteme im Einsatz.

00:00 | Ukraine – News on Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Guten-tag! In our current Ukraine news is this news about the criticism in Ukraine on the active stand. All messages here are focused on the Laufe des Tages.