
WHO started Finanzierungsaufruf – Euractiv DE

WHO started Finanzierungsaufruf – Euractiv DE

The World Health Organization (WHO) has developed a strategic Precaution and Response Plan (SPRP), which will raise 120 million euros for the combating of Mpox in the next world. Also Germany plants, which is affected by its consequences.

The WHO advisory reports were updated on Friday (23 August) on the plan. The plan is a quick fix for the duration of the research, prevention and preparation measures that make a few dishes with impfstoffen and diagnostic tests possible.

An overview of the starting and import substances can be applied to high-risk persons and healthy human beings. The EU capacity, the Love of Impfdosen zu coordination.

“The Mpox Exit Bridge in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Nachbarstaat can be controlled and stopped,” said WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

Dr. Tedros concretes de Rolle und de Zusammenarbeit aller Akteure auf local, regional and international Ebene, einschließlich der Forschungsgemeinschaft. The WHO became a virtual scientific conference on August 29 and 30, and the Coalition for Innovation in Epidemic Research (CEPI) has begun.

“Dieser (Vorsorgeplan) is a plan, based on the principles of justice, global solidarity, the stability of the community, human rights and sectoral cooperation,” it is stated.

Germany states 100,000 Dosen zur Verfügung

The Federal Government announced on Monday (26 August) the preparation of 100,000 Mpox impfdoses from the Federal Armed Forces. I think that the international interests of the end of the financial crisis on the African continent are no longer possible.

This is a coordinated initiative that helps the affected states, including the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi and the subordinates of the African states.

Germany has provided flexible financial support to the WHO, a financing facility for the Notfallfonds. If you merge a country with the impfallianz GAVI, is an impfstoffe and material of beschaffen.

Short-term with Deutschland a mobile work in Congo and a team of health experts put together, that is the infection prevention and diagnosis of health care. Mittelfristig will work with a European partner, an African Union that a local impfstoff production of disinterested and thus a nachhaltigere reaction to the American economy of the gewährleisten will cause.

(Bearbeitet by Martina Monti/Kjeld Neubert)