
BIL commits itself to Private Banker first Güte für new Wachstumsschritt

BIL commits itself to Private Banker first Güte für new Wachstumsschritt

New agencies, new brands and a detested strategy are the way the Swiss BIL is being carried out in Romanticism. The responsibility is a long time of Vontobel-Private-Banker, who will be occupied with the war of Credit Suisse.

The Banque Internationale à Luxembourg in der Schweiz (BIL Suisse) has launched its prices in Western Switzerland with a goose policy of strategic initiatives, with the help of the internal service. If you look at the financial strategy of the bank Lionel Pilloud appointed as the new Leiter der Niederlassung Genf as of September 2024.

Pilloud is a banking professional with more than 30 years of experience. The years of war in the Romandy economy are in Ticino for the Credit Suisse (CS)-tätig and that 20 Years for the Zürcher Investmenthaus Vontobel, wed there in Geneva for the frankofone Market also for the Nahen Osten responsible zeichnete.

Umzug in new Räumlichkeiten planted

“BIL’s soul is the same as the präsenz and the service support for private individuals as well as for the growth of firm knowledge,” says Hans-Peter BorghCEO von BIL Suisse, gegenüber

If the plant initiative is heard Wachstumspläne, the Fokussierung auf ausgewählte Zielmärkte, a weiterer Personalausbau and the Vorbereitung eines Umzugs in new Räumlichkeiten an der Place de Hollande want im Genfer Bankenviertel im Herbst 2025.

The highlights of the BIL plans

  • Business focus: BIL Suisse will execute the business in Geneva. Thanks to the combination of the partners in the Wealth Management and Global Advisory area, who can contribute their knowledge and skills from West Switzerland, Europe, the Near East, external representatives, Family Offices and Multi Family Offices.
  • Personal design: The Swiss BIL will keep its team of hereditary fachleuten outside, continuously sharing with the bank the knowledge and skills, the vision and the commitment, the knowledge and the knowledge of an excellent service for their beets.
  • New Räumlichkeiten: The BIL teams in Geneva were placed in the new Räumlichkeiten in the Stadtzentrum at the end of 2025, which serve as a Drehscheibe for improved Abläufe and Kundeninteraktionen.

The BIL was founded in 1856 and is the oldest Multi-Business-Bank of the Grossherzogtums Luxembourg. As a Gruppe it is in the retail, private and company business one of the financial markets. The BIL was issued more than 2,000 years ago and is one of the financial markets in Luxembourg, Switzerland and China. Since 2017 the company has been in the Chinese Legend Holdings, 10 percent is no longer in Luxembourg Government.

Balance sheet of the mother house

The solid financial layer of the BIL-bildet is a stable Grundlage. You can leave the bank in Switzerland on the Bilanz des Mutterhauses in Luxembourg. «The management of the bank in combination with your boutique wholesale in Switzerland is a personal service. This combination has separated one from other banking institutions, which no longer has any source of sources and no know-how, said Borgh.