
Flight management in Wilhelmshaven: Neue Leitung gesucht

Flight management in Wilhelmshaven: Neue Leitung gesucht

The Flüchtlingsmanagement of the city of Wilhelmshaven was in Flüchtlingsheim ebenso with the organization of Umzügen in Wohnungen. Jetzt becomes a member of Team Verstärkung en der Spitze.

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Wilhelmshaven – The Flight Management of the City of Wilhelmshaven is concerned with Verstärkung – en zwar zunächst an der Spitze: End of the week with the Stelle der Abteilungsleitung ausgeschrieben. Team coordinator Michael Wiets has the task of following the road to the Abteilungsleiters. “While the wiederbesetzung is such that the deutlich entlastet became, a eigentlichen aufgaben wieder übernehmen zu können“, explains Julia Muth, Sprecherin der Stadt Wilhelmshaven, about Anfrage dieser Zeitung.

1132 Wanderings since 2022

It is a fact that more and more Stellen the first time became or the Team-insgesamt that we became bigger. Although it is not possible to discuss the plans of the set, the double house will be carried out, so Muth. If the refugee team zählt zurzeit neun Mitarbeitende, von denen sechs befristete Arbeitsvertäge haben. After you have left the unedited stelle of the Abteilungsleitung, the end of the week comes to pass. In particular the fight against the war in politics. The Antrag has the Ratsgruppe Win@WBV, FDP, Ulf Berner and Freie Wähler gestellt.

It is important to be aware of the importance of flight management genius – as well as in the relationship between the members of the family and their lives in their own homes: “Durch reengaged in the work of the students and staff for care and safety and the well-being of human beings and their lives,” lobt Wiet’s signal Team. The Mitarbeitenden are the first Ansprechpartner for Geflüchtete, who will die in Wilhelmshaven in the Sammelunterkunft im Gebäudetrakt One of the früheren St.-Willehad hospitals that are being founded. They coordinate and collaborate with other Hilfsorganisationen, stehen im Austausch with others Behörden. After the Monaten in the Sammelunterkunft, in the 169 people who lived, began to play at the Wohnungssuche – von der Vertragsunterzeichnung bis zum Einzug.

Tag etwa 100 Sprechstunden

Since April 13, 2022 we live at 1132 in self-organized housing. But Damit hears that Fürsorge nicht auf. “A flight team is aware of the people who live in their own homes and that they are not alone in the environment, nor are they happy in their own homes in the Ratrium or the Rathaus,” said Wiets. So let the Flüchtlingsteam-tägliche Sprechstunden in de Sammelunterkunft een. Up to 100 people are welcome to join the conversation to arrange their social arrangements.

Stephan Giesers