
New photo calendar said zauberhaftes Germering

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This Photo by Germeringer See how Walter Weiss got a Drohne power.
Dieses Foto van Germeringer Seet von oben hat Walter Weiss met een Drohne gemacht. © Walter Weiss

View Walter Weiss’s photo calendar with a vermutlich inzwischen and fehlen. Jetzt gibt is a new one.

Germering – Der Profifotograft brings much more fun with examples of Monats calendars with local motifs. A Road of the Little Anniversaries is a grocery game without a Germering puzzle. “Märchenhaftes Germering 2025” enjoys the first line of natural surroundings, with a light source from the Kleinen Stachus, an image of the Maibaum-Aufrichten in Unterpfaffenhofen and a clear view of the Christkindlmarkt an der Stadthalle. The Schneemassen, the Anfang Dezember show years of joy, although “that best Winter picture, that I hated you”, who is geistert erzählt.

The malicious page

The Anspruch, de 42,000-Einwohner-Stadt von ihrer – not unauthorized offensive – malerischen Seite zu zeizen en for allem auch the Schönheit der Umgebung einzufangen, Weiss consistently bei. There are photos of Sonnenblumen- und Kürbisfeldern, of a Reh with the Church of St. Jakob in the background, of dick verschneiter Landschaft in front of a pastelfarbenen Himmel.


The first calendar is struck and can be executed in the accounting. The photo said the residents Helen Hoff (l.) and Katrin Schmidt with Walter Weiss.
The first calendar is made and can be executed in the accounting. The photo said the residents Helen Hoff (l.) and Katrin Schmidt with Walter Weiss. © Walter Weiss

On Parsberg the 48 year old dry plants of herbs are belaubten Bäumen in a white überzuckerten Landschaft gemacht. The war that was waged by Drohne fell in the Einsatz, a verzeide Stimmungen over the Germeringer See einzufangen – and in the Abenddämmerung, with the Lichter Puchheims in the background.
“All photos are of exceptional photography”, concrete of the pro, the zum broterwerb fell in the real estate area. Speech is power in the Auftrag of Maklern Bilder of Gebäuden and Räumen. It all comes down to a geometric ruler. The nature and landscape architecture is never one of the best calendar projects for a white goal, one of the best ways to achieve this.

Erlös is saved

The repayment of the repair costs is a matter of years, and the Germeringer Lions Club. Das Geld flies in social projects for Ort. The price for the calendar must last a number of years before the printing and repair costs are managed. It costs you 18 Euro and is in the Buchhandlung Lesezeichen zu haben.
During the annual anniversary celebration, a 500-piece Germering puzzle was played. There is a big puzzle fan, many followers in the middle of society, who is a very large image. There are a number of herbs that work, a collage with active and fresh calendar images.

Calendar maker Walter Weiss is the puzzle that the Ravensburger Verlag has restored. “It is a war that the contact act of book handling quenches when it is crumpled.” Dort the puzzle will be released in October in a limit of a limit of 200 pieces.