
It is a major risk factor for Nerve Disease

It is a major risk factor for Nerve Disease

  1. Fuldaer magazine
  2. Advisor
  3. Health

Different factors began a Demenz-Erkrankung. A gilded davon has done a study that is considered one of the greatest risks.

Fulda – More and more people in Germany are sick with a disease. There are 1.8 million citizens charged with nerve disease, while the prices can no longer be increased. So the number of those affected will receive an amount of 2.8 million in 2050. He wants to be able to stop Alzheimer’s with a new treatment solution, so the spread of the disease can only be delayed. Look at the risk factors for dementia when he is in the focus of research.

Demenz vorbeugen: Fünf Risk factors, which they know sollten

Scientists from University College London have made an analysis of the greatest risks for Demenz. Dafür wetten si Daten aus een Zeitraum von 68 Jahren (from 1947 to 2015) aus 27 verschiedenen Arbeiten über Demenzpatienten aus. Die Ergebnisse ihrer Studie wurden im Fachmagazin The Lancet Public Health published. There are genetic components that could help the research team track the next sequence, which carries risks for neurodegenerative disease progression:

  • Diabetes
  • Skill
  • Blood pressure
  • Smoking
  • Education level
It is a major risk factor for Nerve Disease
The number of dementia patients will be damaged at 2.8 million in the year 2050. © Arcurs

Background: Neurodegenerative diseases

Professional pronounce the information Federal Ministeriums for Education and Research of neurodegenerative experiences, when nerve cells and self-functions are lost and the damage is so great that this disease can no longer be compensated. These are neurodegenerative experiences that can occur in Demenz and Morbus Parkinson.

Demenz: Forscher entdecken einen Hauptrisikofaktor

If the Risk Factors also began to buy a Demenz, the scientist could come out of the 27 Studies of a Hauptrisikofaktor from the research that it was so high, reports A gold-plated Blood Pressure (Hypertonia) continues as the great Risk Factor f it is a Demenz.

Illness has high blood pressure values ​​​​count for the so-called cardiovascular diseases. This category includes Heart and Blood Factors. Laut Naaheed Mukadam, psychiatrist and lead author of the study, deserves these cardiovascular risk factors when conducting research into the treatment of people.

This treatment contains all the information about your physical health and should not provide for self-diagnosis, self-treatment or self-medication. No doctor’s advice is required. Individual excerpts from the Krankheitsbildern would be done by a non-editorial team.