
Here is the first legal Cannabis Club in MV an

Here is the first legal Cannabis Club in MV an

The first Anbauverein in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern had a Lizenz with Anbau from Cannabis, the Chill Green Cannabis Club in Greifswald. For the support Marc Thalus bedeutet das reichlich Arbeit. If construction can start, it can’t be a big deal. “Soul soll sein, in de Zweiten Oktoberwoche die first Pflanzen zu set”, it explains.

First Cannabis-Ernte Ende December 2024 planted

An Ernte was then possible, when everything was relaxed, towards the end of December. These beautiful 200 Mitglieder des Vereins could then be entered over the planted Seiteneentang des Gebäudes in der Brandteichstraße 20 in the general Sales area. One of the eight types of plants selected with cannabis are hash kaufen.

“So it is important that you do not have to worry about the environment and the environment.” That is, clear Thalus, and that the Hygiene and Safety Concept does not depend on it. One of the purchasers from the Anbaubereich are chains, there is probably a Mauer dazwischen hoch.

If the Mauer work is carried out, another Rolltors work must be carried out.

If the Mauer work is carried out, another Rolltors work must be carried out. (Photo: Robin Twardy)

Schleuse soll Cannabis-Geruch endämmen

Life, in the Greifswalder Cannabis-Club-sit, can not go further than other people. “At the inner entrance of the building can be a lock, a smell pollution in the direction of flur to prevent.”

With a sister of Mauer van de Anbauräumen, an Art Schleuse can be restored to Flur.

With a sister of Mauer van de Anbauräumen, an Art Schleuse can be restored to Flur. (Photo: Robin Twardy)

“These air raids do not constitute a major recovery effort. There is a question here of an ephemeral Anschlüsse, which has since been destroyed.’ After the building itself, a ventilation system is installed, which does not function properly. „Dazu sprech’ ich noch diese Woche mit den Technikern.”

Cannabis cultivation with its financial risks

Thalus has a Darlehen for all Umbau workers that yields 40,000 euros. Die Miete has never been so old: “Um die Miete zu sichern, habe ich seit 2023 Mitgliedsbeiträge genommen und bis zur Anmietung behalten.”

It is clear that this is a risky risk. “I can now generate all three months with the most important income. And then first new productions again.”

In this Raum the cannabis später will be rocked.

In this Raum the cannabis später will be rocked. (Photo: Robin Twardy)

“If a complete production is possible, the production is affected by the mold or a schädlingsbefall, then it is a huge pleasure.” Everything that offers a bell and a listening experience is more euros for the money costs. “That must be all clarified.”

Marc Thalus joins the Cannabis Club on a long-term basis

“Vielleicht can collaborate on a few things in a company,” says Marc Thalus. Hinderlich at the Anstellung signaler Mitglieder can jedoch signal, if the sogenante Grower, the Pflanzen hochziehen, laut Gesetz nur lightfügig schäftigt became expensive. „I find myself unresolved.“

Thalus hofft, the family of the Cannabis Club can live. Seine Frau accepts their position as a practical beauty treaty. A Thalus itself would want one of its consequences to happen in the future. “I am mach’ die Arbeit ja jetzt schon seit Jahren umsonst.”