
Nachhaltiges Fliegen: Who wants to experience Caphenia nachhaltigen Flugtreibstoff – Wirtschaft

Nachhaltiges Fliegen: Who wants to experience Caphenia nachhaltigen Flugtreibstoff – Wirtschaft

Mark Misselhorn is curious about who has the great Kran den Kessel in the Stahlkonstruktion. Kurz before the Bauteil in the Verankerung manövriert, nor part of the Gerüsts was heraussgeschraubt, it is ganz sön eng and jetzt soll wirklich nichts more schiefgehen. “Was man here not, is the Menge an Herzblut, which has been flossed in this project in the last 13 years,” said Misselhorn.

By Kessel, one of the solar reactors, the core piece has become a new century, the Misselhorns Start-up Caphenia on the edge of the own chemical parks in Frankfurt-Höchst. The small refinery that was founded in 2025 is more likely, sustainable fuels to restore air travel and the turn to sustainable flying to buy. Misselhorn is the most advanced function of the technology. As the history of Caphenia says, the demand for the Transformation of air traffic will continue – on its own.

The air force is currently working on the implementation of the worldwide responsible carbon dioxide carbon production. The sector can be climate neutral by 2050. The big effect, the second big three, are flying companies and manufacturers of the so-called sustainable aviation fuels (SAF). As a large number of sources – biomass, household waste and synthetically recovered – the production of fossil kerosene is carried out. The advantage: SAF can use a large number of used aircraft, whereby the detergents and electronics a new model will be used. With relatively small displacements you can use the engine that flies with SAF flights, if it is now good to be used.

If the American industry has another industry, the SAF in the non-mixed production can prevent the airflow from floating in the air, but the Ziele will be bought. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) became threefold in 2024, so it was likely that the Treibstoff went to the future. But that is still only for about 0.5 percent of total consumption. The World Economic Forum has started a study before the project of 30 to 40 percent of the volumes started running, the industry until 2030 there will be. There are technological risks and insurable investors. In der Folge you will not find money.

The affordability is like this: The larger oil reserves can be interesting, if the SAF industry is engaged in the development of the economy, the oil production has become more profitable. And the investments in fluggesellschaften fell in the time and energy, the politics would cut back. If you make your own small profits, you can get your money in hand and the sprightly start of a new branch of financing.

Caphenia slaughters and proudly. In the Reactor, which is installed in the highest installed world, the chemical reactions are restored in a synthetic device, whereby the fiscal-tropical-manufacture in the Treibstoff world is walked. The anlage is now already produced 500 tons per year, the view fell on three back and back flights of after the Frankish flight to New York. If Caphenia now has the idea that the technology works. Später sollen Anlagen follows, which buy up to 50,000 tons per year. We continue with the German stand-up, and it is worth solving them in Asia.

After Lufthansa’s interest arose, he ended up

Misselhorn had won a vorlaufer von Caphenia 2011, those years were a standard up and down, obwohl der Bedarf and SAF unbestritten ist. In 2012, the mighty Lufthansa started one of the damaging consequences of Christoph Franz, a collaboration with Caphenia, a new technology. Lufthansa has also been able to play a vorreiterrole in the Transformation of aviation. But 2017 has started with the German aerospace company under Franz-Nachfolger Carsten Spohr the Kooperation. The warfare of Air Berlin advocated advocacy and the fight against the German market, in which Ryanair and Easyjet took care of themselves.

Caphenia stands for the Aus. However, a series of Lufthansa employees, the new Kurs is no longer able to invest in its own money. With the arrival of Franz himself, the evil Finnish chef Simone Menne and Kay Kratky, who was in the Airline Board for the Flugbetrieb war. Also Peter Gerber, mother of the Lufthansa employees and the chef of the holiday flights Condor, works as one of the companies. 2023 Amadeus Ventures and the eFuel GmbH, a joint venture of medium-sized tankers, came into being. An Ausgerechnet Condor, the small Lufthansa competitor from Frankfurt, will carry out a slow Abnahmeverbflichtung for the Caphenia Treibstoff. It can also be different for a time.

It is a fact that the world is increasingly interfering with the states, while the airlines are spending more time. Singapore has made the Airlines flight to the flight from Changi Airport in 2026 to a percent SAF busy. 2030 should be five percent. The European Union then gives six percent, Great Britain, Japan and Australia six percent. Much is still unclear: Who will be punished if the quotes are not reached? Can the money be used for a new SAF project, an air force that can no longer work so quickly? There are only fragments that are made by investors, who direct risks and opportunities to the sector. “The financing is still the greatest harm,” said Caphenia-Beirats chief Kratky.