
Bill Kaulitz after Konzert-Erlebnis with Adele Schockiert: “Das geht gar nicht”

Bill Kaulitz after Konzert-Erlebnis with Adele Schockiert: “Das geht gar nicht”

Bill Kaulitz - Deutschlandpremiere des Kinofilms Barbie im Berlinale Palast in Berlin am 15.07.2023. Premiere Barbie *** Bill Kaulitz German premiere of the feature film Barbie at the Berlinale Palast ...

Bill Kaulitz has been in the music business for many years with his band Tokio Hotel.Image: IMAGO/eventfoto54


Michelle Nuhn

Together with his band Tokio Hotel could keep Bill Kaulitz busy for a few years in his two decades. So the four youngsters from Magdeburg inspired during the 2000s with songs like “Durch den Monsun” or “Schrei”. Even today they full the concert halls. Dennoch stopped with his own Erfolg, but he has no idol in the music business in his life.

It’s Bill talking to his brother Tom Kaulitz, who has an active “Kaulitz Hills – Senf aus Hollywood” podcast broadcast. This is a recapitulation of the sunny signals Besuch eines der wohl begehrstromen Konzerte der vergangenen Wochen: Adele in Munich. It is one of the most important things that is a time point, which has a beige color for the music player.

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Bill Kaulitz von überschwänglichem Fan-Verhalten schockiert

Zunächst comes from the 34-Jährige through the road on the Positive and the Abend im eigens for Adele erects the Stadium. On your Instagram account, there is no post available in the light, in which the concert is “Best night ever” subtitled. The Euphoria shines jetzt zum Teil in Unverständnis um.

Der Grund: Adele goes to the first show in the Bayerischen Hauptstadt jewels die een glückliche:n Zuschauer:in zu sich on die Bühne. So a dem Abend, a dem der Tokyo-Hotel-Frontmann anwed war. It is a fact that the fans can no longer enjoy their lives. It is clear to see why:

“He’s been messing with Adele so much. I’m a Diva, and then I meet a woman and Adele will quickly find out. That will never happen!”

Laut ihm habe sich die Frau einfach “so unmöglich verhalten” the “Abendzeitung München” is in the podcast. If the singer is a little surprised, it is so that the concertgoer has had a great moment for a short time.

Adele-Konzerte in Munich regularly provides furor

It is not the first time that the Show of the 36 Years high waves seems to hit. So you will play the Olympic Games yourself with the best breakdance performance of the Australian athlete in the foreground. A moment when Adele found one of the best translation wishes.

Another man helped Adele with his German Ansage and the security at the door. After the fans have started, when they are ready, it is a fact. Make sure the public is opened, when the choice is bigger.

“Hört auf, meinen Fans zu sagen, dass sie ich hinsetzen sollen. Steht auf, wenn ihr wollt”the war with the devastating consequences that one of the Mega-Hits brings about is no longer possible.

“Let’s Dance” is a big family, and it is worth strengthening: among the pros there is more pair, the Lusins ​​​​beispielsweise first became these years first common parents.