
VfB Stuttgart with Fabian Rieder in Startelf im Pokal locker weiter

VfB Stuttgart with Fabian Rieder in Startelf im Pokal locker weiter

VfB Stuttgart plays in the DFB-Pokal Deutschland durch. In the Startelf the first Nati-Spieler is Fabian Rieder.

The most important thing in the round

  • VfB Stuttgart played in the 1st round of the DFB-Pokals with 5:0 duration.
  • In the Startelf style Ex-YB-Junior Fabian Rieder, who played his summer with the Schwaben.


Fabian Rieder joins VfB Stuttgart for his Einsatz in der Startformation. The Bernese will fight against Vorstoss for 75 minutes in the 2nd Pokal-Runde.

On the other hand, a Tor des Ex-St. Gallers Demirovic defeated the Swabia and the Drittligisten Preussen Münster with 5:0. The next hits are Stiller, Stenzel, Woltemade and Karazor.

The Swabians propose the Weichen schon früh in Richtung zweite Runde: Bereits nach a Viertelstunde steht 2:0. Before the break at 3:0, start the separation.

In the Bundesliga it is for VfB Stuttgart that Mainz goes further. Annpfiff on Samstag ist at 3.30 pm.



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BundesligaDFBVfB Stuttgart