
Versicherungsaufsicht sagt Lebensversicherern den Kampf an

Versicherungsaufsicht sagt Lebensversicherern den Kampf an

28.8.2024 – If a double shock is the Bafin dafür, the miss in the Lebensversicherung is öffentlich wonen. Das Neugeschäft läuft hinged intestine. This concerns the Strategy Meeting Lebensversicherung message set.


Very energetic hat Julia Wiens, Bafin-Exekutivdirektorin Versicherungs- und Pensionsfondsaufsicht, at the Handelsblatt Strategistmeeting Lebensversicherung 2024 am Dienstag auf “schwarze Schafe” in der Branche hingwiesen.

If you have German power, the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (Bafin) will cause major problems. It is not easy to become the responsible manager. Gleichzeitig veröffentlicht die Behörde heute de Beitrag “Kundennutzen im Fokus” in Bafinjournal. Here the data from the expert processing is shown in detail.

Schon 13 Lebensversicherer sind als “Ausreißer” aufgefallen

Julia Wiens (Image: Schmidt-Kasparek)
Julia Wiens (Image: Schmidt-Kasparek)

Bisher since 13 Lebensversicherer as “Ausreißer” aufgefallen, weil sie products offer, which the can offer little usefulness. “It could not be done without more,” said Wiens.

If you want a fund policy, you can request the effective costs of four products. It is the first thing you can do when the anlage occurs as four prozent. “Würden Sie solche Produkte ihren good Freunden empfehlen”, fragte die Aufseherin provokativ, die in der Veranstaltung versammelten Lebensversicherer.

A mistake that the Bafin puts on the product festival, that of the Kunden, is very quickly known.

This is the basis for the appreciation of the appreciation of the Fund for the Versicherer. “That is a business, that your money and your finances will be good and that you will benefit from it,” says Wiens. If you use the product free, you are ready to use the Bafin 2018 Leitlinien herausgegeben habe, missachtet.

A mistake, whoever is around.

Julia Wiens, Bafin

Bafin can analyze Manager

As a statement from the Exekutivdirektorin: “Solche Praktiken, die indeutig zu Lasten der Kundinnen en Kunden gehen, sind nicht akzeptabel. There is a mistake, who is in Buche Steht.”

The problem is that the product can no longer be made from the product or active sales, but it may be that you go straight through the life of the product.

On the back question, it was explained that the Bafin here has the possibility of three steps. So a missbilligung can be carried out in one of the scenarios. In fact, a warning was given to a security manager, who remained as anonymous as possible. It may be that the Bafin is one of the best posts on the post.

“That is not a passion for Himmel,” so Wiens. The Ausreißer-Unternehmen were much more likely to harm the overall quality of life. It won’t be a problem to solve an industry problem. The best way to do this is that the Wirtschaftlichkeit der Unternehmen has arisen.

Talsohle bei Beitragseinnahmen erreicht

Guido Bader (Image: Schmidt-Kasparek)
Guido Bader (Image: Schmidt-Kasparek)

While you are on the active Entwicklung stellte Dr. Guido Bader, Vorstandsvorsitzender of the Stuttgarter Lebensversicherung AG, party, that’s Neugeschäft of the Branche derzeit “gut läuft”.

The sentences were set to an auskömmlichen level level after the signal einschätzung for a longer period of time. “We can manage our lives as well as manage money,” thus the Manager. When the trading activities are carried out, mistakes are made.

Bader: “The economics of living with a sustainable lifestyle.” Before 2024, there is a change in the price of the Einmalbeiträge at 22.7 (Vorjahr 24.9) Billion Euro.

Accordingly, the laurels remain stable at 64.3 billion euros. Damit rechnet Bader für die Lebensversicherer in 2024 met Gesamteinnahmen von 87.0 (89.2) Billiarden Euro.

It is possible to reach the Talsohle.

Dr. Guido Bader, Stuttgarter Leben

Zehn Prozent Beitragsrückgang since 2020

Since 2020, these buildings have improved their lifestyles and they are happy to do so. “We will continue to have good results,” said Bader. Washing the chisel würden in subsequent years takes less time and the final chisel würden has stabilized at that level.

This is the Einschätzung of Dr. Volker Priebe, Mitglied des Vorstands der Allianz Lebensversicherungs-AG. Sein Unternehmen würde in den Bereichen, private Vorsorge, Risikoabsicherung und betriebliche Altersvorsorge im Neugeschäft zweistellige Wachstumsraten verzeichnen, teilte der Manager am Rande der Konferenz mit.

Only the initial arrangement deal is struggling. A forced rearrangement deal is now being supported. After Allianz started on the portal “My Money”, Allianz started. “We usually buy through intensive personal contacts, that’s what happens first, the knowledge in the new way to give an answer”, Priebe explained.

Risk protection becomes more favorable

During the Anhebung des Höchnungszinssatzes von 0,25 tot 1,00 Prozent zum 1. Januar 2025 (VersicherungsJournal 30.4.2024) Risikolebens-, Berufsunfähigkeits-, Grundfähigkeits- and Dread-Disease-Versicherungen became more favorable, which Za hlbeiträge sinking.

“Deshalb wählreiche Anbieter in ihren new policerten Verträgen kostenlose Wechselmöglichkeiten in the new tariff ein.” This does not mean that there is healthy prüfung.

With Spannung, Bader became the result of comparison in January. “Then it would be that the cutbacks would be in full swing and the possibilities that would be given up.”

During the production of the high-voltage products, risks were taken and three products, in BU products, which have a higher saving capacity, depend on the effect in the execution of their products. Before all young people make profit in the long term.

No papal guarantee

Deutsch warns you about a sale of your company, the guarantee for your organizational interruption. “It is very important to me that the customer consciously chooses and unwrites”, so Bader. It may well be that the new product generation shows the Wegfall of the overshoot of the road, which comes out of the closet.

In the case of savings products, the higher guarantee is provided in the manner in which the gross deposit guarantee is made possible, because Riester and Betriebsrente with Beitragszusage mit Mindestleistung (BZML) have been used.

The guarantee on interest payments for fund-bundled and hybrid products is a higher final guarantee. Here, there is a good chance that the policy will be expanded with guarantees at the level of the interest in 2025.