
DAX: Sekt calm down! SAP, Allianz, Continental Laufen

DAX: Sekt calm down! SAP, Allianz, Continental Laufen

If you start starting the DAX service, it is a matter of time and the rekordoch deer. If that is not the case 212 The courtesy of a baldige konjunkturerholung, anstehende Zinssenkungen und de Vorfreude auf die am Mittwoch erwarteten Zahlen von Nvidia ließ de Anleger nicht los.

The index stands at 0.35 percent at 18,681.81 and a very high level was reached in July. On the winning side, SAP and Allianz stand out without special news. Continental’s strongest war. Flooded during a purchase request from UBS, which raised the shares of car insurance and tire repairers to 2.7 percent at 61.46 euros. Analyst David Lesne estimated its price of 80 euros at the level of the summer of 2022. However, Continental has still lost around five percent at the beginning of the year.

I lost the Utility Vehicle Sector Daimler Truck 1.2 and Traton 2.5 percent. Here, one of the Daimler Trucks-driven purchase recommendations from Goldman Sachs would be burdensome. The US Bank initially went to the start of the end of 2021 and has not gone to Purchase of the Assets anymore. Analyst Daniela Costa misses the positive impulse for the results.

Two schwache DAX-Werte were from Vonovia and Siemens Energy with Verlusten of bis 1.5 Prozent. Vonvia had risen deutlich at the Vortag and Siemens Energy, which started more as verdoppelt years later.

I started MDAX with the TUI action, a nice project to get a ​​​​knock in July-hoc. The travel group is one of the biggest problems in the frosted herb holiday. The companies that make profit on a general sector support, while the international airlines of Ryanair support the European airlines. Title of Lufthansa puts a zwei Perzent zu.

The environment for Aktien is positive. If Nvidia is working on Partycrasher, the DAX is making a new record.

(With material from dpa-AFX)