
Munich can do more like Schicki-Micki

Munich can do more like Schicki-Micki

By Simone F. Lucas

With the rosewood hat in Munich, the first Luxus hotel opens its doors. Passt scho, sagen da velde Münchner. Gild the Bavarian Landeshauptstadt as the Mecca of Reichen and Schönen, as the Laufsteg of Adabeis, the young ones, the raw woolen woolen, zur Schicki-Micki-Szene. But Munich can also be different. Anarchist, bold, alternative, vegan, nachhaltig. If a man spends the night in a hotel, a large family will turn to one of the Jugendgruppen. Gleich neben der Wiesn und das noch fünstig. The U-Bahn is nothing more than a bus stop. Das Auto can also go home.

Although it may be true that part of the Rik area goes through the Altstadt to the welding. Don’t forget the bad things and don’t forget the help you have with them. The E-Bike power is possible. 170 year old Fahrrad-Rikschas-gibt in Munich, says Falk Hilber – schwarzes Käppi, dunkler Bart – since 2007 Munich-Touren with the Rikscha-offertet. The year has passed since his problem-free experience of Rikscha-Touren on the platform and initiated an Ausbildung zum Rikschaguide. Three festive stand-alones for the fun-filled rides will be beautiful during the performance at the Marienplatz.

A café in the social project

You are welcome to have a great Eckhaus in the Müllerstraße. The copybook “Bellevue Monaco” is ready to load. I love Café sitzen for all young Leute. Christian (Grisi) Ganzer – graumelierter Bart, Brille, gestreifte Mütze – happy with the Andrang, if we were to meet the guests who did not know, that is the case in a social project with Latte Macchiato trinken. Over 54 years, the living and cultural center for the experienced and the active has been established. Nur mit fell Engagement could leave the city, the long stays of Häuser abzureißen. Dabei half, dass 2015 Platz für Geflüchtete gesucht wurde. Boats can be so einiges – from the Jugendlichen-WG und Kulturveranstaltungen über Sprachunterricht und offensive Werkstätten with his Sport. Dafür hat das Bellevue buchstäblich einen Höhepunkt. Über 112 Stufen gelang man hinaufs Dach zum wohl spektakulärsten Bolzplatz der Stadt.

Keep the U-Bahn in check in the Haltestelle Poccistraße. A short footpath and you are in another world. If the gelände of the other old courtyards is a colorful, knitted knit. Look at the possibilities of the gelände under the names Bahnwärter Thiel of parties, concerts, lessons, Flohmärkten and workshops. There is an Atelierpark, a Photo studio and a Platz for urban gardening, where Familie Gemüsebeete pflegen. Ownership of this alternative is that the train wagons and the container containers are the end of the years. But in addition, the contract is required by 2027.

Stadtführer Max Zeidler has sozio-ökologische Führungen by Munich an.

Stadtführer Max Zeidler has sozio-ökologische Führungen by Munich an. (Photo: Simone F. Lucas/srt)

Möglich has found this alternative scene in Munich by Hahn-Brüder Daniel, Julian and Laurin. “Air locks are their profession”, lobs the Bayerische Rundfunk of the creative trio, it is the Bahnwärter Thiel who is responsible for the fact that there is a ship in a bridge country. That other time, an e-mail-like Ammerseedampfer, would be warned by the Brothers for the Verschrotten and go to a cultural project. Before you can start years, you can show the evil Ausflugsdampfer a new location and docks. And who would be Bahnwärter Thiel, still have to sit for another five years. What comes in the restaurant on the table, is regional and a large part also vegan.

Vegan white sausage

Yes, vegan. It is located in the Weißwurstmetropole Munich. In the Restaurant Herrschaftszeiten im Tal, dem ehemaligen Paulaner, kamen sogar die first veganen Weißwürste auf den Tisch. “Eigentlich ein Gag zum Oktoberfest”, says Thomas Isermann – blonder Bart, medium-length blond Haare – der Gründer von Greenforce. The gebürtige Stuttgarter sees it as vegan Daniel Düsentrieb, one of the planets that anschiebt notnauwe Entwicklung. Weg vom Billigfleisch are the products produced from regional raw materials. Isermann defines as Genussmensch, will Verbote, son setzt auf Verführung. Schmecken sollen die veganen Alternativen auch Flexitariën. Aber Fleisch has no Alltägliches signal. “Zurück zum Sonntagsbraten” provided the great Greenforce Gründer, from which the sports manager had made a Unterstützerkreis hat. Unterstützt with Isermann van Promis met de FC-Bayern-Torjäger Thomas Müller, aber auch von Feinkost Käfer, der die Greenforce-Frikadellen als “the best Fleischersatzproduct on the market” in his loaded fuhrt. “Wir sind ein Wachstumsmarkt”, is the Unternehmer überzeugt. Trotzdem does not look like “a bishop against David against Goliath”. The products made from raw materials and sunflower proteins, which are mixed with Metzgern and Köchen, among other things, are considered a game changer, which is a market changer. The Grundrezeptur is one of the most surprising things that “in Tresor who is the Rezept for Coca-Cola”.

Who else has a Verdauungsspaziergang? Der Archivar Max Zeidler – schwarzer Dufflecoat, Brille – steht schon bereit for an öko-soziale Führung. “München is better”, which is the slogan for the city’s own forces, because it is interesting to “hang through the city of Munich”. Besonders am Herzen liegt in de soziale Nachhaltigkeit, “one of de grote Herausforderungen unserer Zeit“. If you are in Munich, the man from Haus is due. „A bisserl was always worth it”, proud of being the Stadtführer and required of the Kiosk “Fräulein Grüneis” at the Eisbachwelle. The guest-friendly house in the green world is a war in toilet rooms, which now no longer makes any effort. After the Verwandlung was over the Konzept der Tour. Who says Zeidler am Anfang: “For the sense of humor since there is a lot of humor and humor.”

More information about the results:, sozio-ökologische Stadtführung: (srt)