
Starlink satellite überquert als glühendes Himmelsobjekt Süddeutschland en die Schweiz – Südwest

Starlink satellite überquert als glühendes Himmelsobjekt Süddeutschland en die Schweiz – Südwest


Konstantin Görlich

Was war a firestorm in the sky? I have done a service that appeals to a Leuchtspur in the South and others. Now it is clear: There is war in Starlink Satellite.

A Starlink satellite entered the atmosphere after Angaben...Schweiz. | Photo: Tim Meyer (dpa)

A Starlink satellite is one of the Federal Offices for Population Protection and Catastrophe Assistance (BBK) from southern Germany looking at Switzerland in the atmosphere. Photo: Tim Meyer (dpa)

It comes to light at night and sees the light of the night at night in the South: A positive experience with the services of people is not present in Südbaden. After the Federal Offices for Bevolkerungsschutz und Katastrofenhilfe (BBK) have acted, this is a Starlink satellite. The war in Switzerland in the Erdatmosphäre has begun – and in southern Germany the time has come. The Weltraumlagecentrum of the Bundeswehr has generally provided the BBK information, so that part of the Bundesamtes is distributed.

This Starlink satellite works together with SpaceX – the American radar of Elon Musk.

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In the various cities of Baden-Württemberg, the police are responsible for civilians and civilians who are involved in a war with Himmel. Entsprechende Anrufe once went to the police council in Ravensburg, Konstanz and Stuttgart, where the people talked to each other.

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More than 30 seconds long war of the satellite on the Himmel, his glow and the sway clearly recognizable, much longer, more deutlich and slower than every original starfish. On the internet it becomes clear that the object is offered in more places, while it is in the Erdatmosphäre verglühen, so the man is located at the Weltraumschrott-beobachten kann.

After the night portal has started, the object has become clear, it is a view of East France and the North. The fascination that was committed was probably noticed: “Here in Tyrol extreme spectacle, for which the Handy could not be gripped faster”, writes a Nutzer on Facebook.

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