
Canada: Warum Deutschland jetzt zwei Botschafter hat

Canada: Warum Deutschland jetzt zwei Botschafter hat

Warum Deutschland jetzt zwei Botschafter in Canadian hat

A Botschafter is the highest deterrent in the Fremden Ländern. In Canada, the Bundesrepublik bei dem Posten is now one and the other away.

3 minutes

Botschafterin Tjorven Bellmann and Botschafter Matthias Lüttenberg in front of the German residence in Ottawa: See if you are a couple, still have a good life.

Botschafterin Tjorven Bellmann and Botschafter Matthias Lüttenberg in front of the German residence in Ottawa: See if you are a couple, still have a good life.
© dpa/Benno Schwinghammer

Ottawa. It is a new edition for the German Botschafter-Posten in Canada – after a year, which was made for the front picture: With Tjorven Bellmann and Matthias Lüttenberg it went to the German Botschafter in Ottawa. The couple with their three children in the G7 country and the Bundesrepublik in the Swedish Flächenstaat der Welt in September, gemeinsam vertreten.

“Unter Außenministerin Baerbock flexibilisiert das Auswärtige Amt gezielt Arbeitsmodelle, een Gleichstellung herzustellen, Frauen zu fördern and Modelle zu finden, die een familieleben in diesem beuf erleichttern”, notes Bellmann das Jobsharing-Konzept.

Bellmann waged a war under the German Foreign Minister in 2022 for the political administration and said that one of his English confidants was expanded. Lüttenberg works as director for Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Auch Außenministerium muss konkurrenzfähig bleiben

Because most jobs are no longer suitable for the family – the couples’ children for 10, 12 and 15 years. When they are in Ottawa, diplomats and diplomats in Australia could use a family business in the future. As for who has the job, Botman Lüttenberg explains: “Our model was set for eight months. That means that for eight months one person is a botman, then the other one comes into the role. The other, who is not a botman, comes into the first line around the family here at our home.”

View of the residence of the German Botschafter in the Kanadische Hauptstadt.

View of the residence of the German Botschafter in the Kanadische Hauptstadt.
© dpa/Benno Schwinghammer

Nach deutschen Botschafter-Paaren in Slowenien und Schweden ist die Canadian Land, in de structruktur die Ebene zum Einsatz kommt. Once the time has come, the Host Country may take a while – the Arbeit met zwei Vertretern can be achieved again. If the Auswärtige Amt hangs in that sense, if Arbeitgeber konkurrenzfähig zu bleiben, Bellmann acknowledges. Young colleagues and colleagues often have a balance between professional and private life.

A war that is excessive can not last longer. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has had a training for the family, but the diplomats with the highest care have been educated for the family with childish herausforderung. For a few in the Australian service it is one of the most common ways: Erreichen both a high level, and as Botschafterin or Botschafter, stehen is often for private or rooflichen Kompromissen.

Ready Rollenverteilung – in Zuhause’s orbit

Once the German Botschafter had found a diplomatic Kurs in Ottawa, this was the end of the procedure, Lüttenberg said again: “If we have an unterschiedlicher Meinung sind, it is clear: The role of the role is then natural. Then it must be the result of their consequences.” Entscheidungen lagen. Das gilded Zuhause wie bei der Beit”.

The first “Schicht” was established with an official service beginning in September Botschafterin Bellmann. Both are one of the few working structures in the host country that does not need a single male man. The interest and the new experience of other diplomats and representatives of the Kanadischen are auf jeden Fall groß.

Botschafter Lüttenberg shoots the part in a summer hole. Kaal can be more and more political and diplomatic themes in the middle point. A Sache-stellt is clear: the new Botschafter in Canada is no longer a Stelle, but a Botschafter-Gehalt. (dpa)