
Schießerei in Harburg – Polizei fahndet nach Täter

Schießerei in Harburg – Polizei fahndet nach Täter

In Hamburg-Harburg a street ends up in a Schießerei auf opener Straße. A Mann is verlet, de Täter is flüchtig. Die Polizei ermittelt.

In Hamburg-Harburg, on a duty day, there was a shooting range on Offener Straße. Anyone who has received a reporter for their report should appear at 15:20 in Wilstorfer Straße. It was supposed to be a man who brought a shooting to his death and an end in a hospital.

Laut Augenzeugenberichte soll der Täter sein Opfer gezielt angesprochen and eeninmal gessen haben. Another foam heater can use a function on the waffle. Connect the device to an E-Roller in the Direction Winsener Straße.

The police war with a large amount of money for ort and sicherte spuren, tries to help Patronenhülsen for a Shisha-Bar. Who is a police representative of the German Press Agency (dpa) in the night of his Mittwoch Mitteilte, will the Fahndung nach dem Täter an. The fall began in Phoenix-Viertel, where the Schütze with a 33-Jährigen in Streit waged war.

The background of the tattoo is not yet clear. The missions continue.